Aquarius monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Aquarius monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly Aquarius horoscope for September 2024, what to pay attention to

Dear Aquarians,

In September 2024, you're tasked with addressing unfinished business from your past while simultaneously planning for the next significant stage of your future. Your love for adventure and readiness for change are well-known, so a temporary halt in your plans might pose quite a challenge. However, events in your personal life may slow down, bringing unexpected situations that stir up long-suppressed emotions.

The month kicks off on September 1 with your ruling planet, mighty Uranus, going retrograde in the constellation of Taurus and your 4th House of Family, Home, and Emotional Foundations. Uranus, known for its penchant for disrupting order, is ready to shake things up. During this retrograde transit, you might find yourself needing to move, experience changes within your family, or receive surprising news about a child or relative.

On the same day, retrograde Pluto will leave your zodiac sign and return to the constellation of Capricorn for the final time. This marks an epochal moment! Pluto began its journey through your sign at the beginning of 2023, following a 16-year transit through Capricorn. On September 1, Pluto re-enters your 12th House of Healing, Acceptance, and Completions for its last visit before permanently moving into your sign for the next 20 years. The extended period of Pluto's transit in Capricorn has been a time of profound personal transformation, teaching you the importance of acceptance and deep awareness. You delved into emotional depths you might otherwise have avoided. This intense life stage has not been easy, but it has granted you invaluable insight and strength. From September 1 to November 19, Pluto will make its final pass through Capricorn, ensuring you've severed ties with the burdens of your past.

Aquarius week horoscope August 26—September 1, 2024
Horoscope for the week September 16—22, 2024

On September 2, the new moon in Virgo opens a new chapter in your 8th House of Intimacy, Joint Finances, and Investments. Feeling the urge to get closer to others? The time is ripe for deepening relationships or formalizing them. During this new moon's active period, a promising business partnership might also emerge, particularly one that offers the chance to combine skills for mutual benefit.

Another significant astrological event occurs on September 8, as the Sun opposes restrictive Saturn in Pisces and your 2nd House of Money. This alignment will remind you of the need to monitor your budget closely. Under the influence of this temporary but challenging aspect, you might feel like the glass is always half empty. Yet, it underscores the importance of being cautious with your finances, not just on this day but over the next couple of years. This period of financial scrutiny begins with the eclipse season on the Pisces-Virgo axis on September 17. On this day, a full moon in Pisces will be accompanied by a partial lunar eclipse, marking the start of a new series of eclipses on this axis, which will last until February 2027.

Stay alert between September 19 and 21. During these days, the Universe will present a window of opportunity to implement or advance your plans. The Sun will form several favorable aspects with unpredictable Uranus and transformative Pluto in your zones of expression and emotional intensity. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities, and a long-awaited dream may come true. If you've been waiting for a chance to take decisive action, it has arrived.

Warm regards, and may this month bring clarity, transformation, and the realization of your dreams!


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Ngareta Walters 2024-09-11 09:48:32
Brilliant and well executed summary of knowledge to guide and learn along the way

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