Aquarius week horoscope March 25—31, 2024

Aquarius week horoscope March 25—31, 2024

Highlights of the week March 25 through 31, 2024 for Aquarius based on major astrological aspects.

Dear Aquarians,

Get ready for a week that's anything but ordinary as we approach March 25 to March 31. You may find yourself without a set plan, but don't be surprised if bursts of inspiration strike, painting your thoughts with visions of future trips or exciting plans for the summer of 2024. These ideas might seem to emerge from thin air, especially as the week kicks off.

This period is highlighted by 2024's only full moon in Libra on March 25, which arrives hand-in-hand with a potent lunar eclipse. Such a commanding celestial event is bound to leave its mark, especially with its focus on your 9th house — the realm of travel, adventure, and broadening your perspectives. In essence, this lunar spectacle might just be the catalyst you need, inviting you to embark on something completely new, exhilarating, and out of the ordinary.

Furthermore, this full moon and accompanying eclipse signal the halfway point in a two-year sequence of eclipses along the Libra-Aries axis, which commenced on April 20, 2023. This suggests that you Aquarians are in the midst of transformative changes concerning the domains governed by the 9th house. Over the past year, you might have explored the world, dabbled in entrepreneurship, returned to your studies, or delved into new fields of knowledge, perhaps with a focus on cutting-edge topics like artificial intelligence. Expect these endeavors to gain momentum in the coming fortnight. The luminous glow of this lunar aspect could be just the nudge you've been seeking to venture beyond the familiar confines of your comfort zone and embrace independent action. Embracing such bold decisions promises to be a significant step in your emotional and spiritual evolution.

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However, it's wise to tread carefully in this period of rapid change, as it comes with its share of challenges as well as opportunities. The compelling urge to speak your truth at all times may become overwhelming this week, potentially sparking intense disputes. Additionally, your natural inclination towards spontaneous emotional expressions could catapult you from serenity to combativeness in the blink of an eye.

Compounding these dynamics, this Monday sees a challenging aspect between transformative Pluto, positioned in your sign, and goal-driven Venus in your financial sector, prompting a profound reassessment of your financial landscape. In the grand scheme of things, money plays a secondary role at this juncture. The crux of the matter isn't necessarily how much you're earning or spending, but rather, how you perceive and relate to money. It's your mindset towards financial matters that holds the key to navigating your life's trajectory during this pivotal time.

Aquarians, as you sail through this exhilarating week, remember that the winds of change are not just stirring your external world but are also inviting a deeper exploration of your inner landscape. Embrace the adventure with an open heart and a wise head, ready to transform challenges into stepping stones for growth.


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