Aquarius week horoscope March 20—26 2023

Aquarius week horoscope March 20—26 2023

Highlights of the week March 20 through 26 2023 for Aquarius based on major astrological aspects.

Dear Aquarius, do you know the saying "There was money, there will be money, there is no more money"? So, this will stop bothering you on March 20, as soon as the Sun leaves your 2nd house of money and moves into Aries and into your 3rd house of open communication. The sun will continue to shine on the exchange of ideas and your activity in this area until April 20, but before that, one more relevant event should be mentioned. On March 21, there will also be a new moon in Aries, which will also affect your III house, but already in terms of the emergence of new trends in this area. Do you want to expand the circle of your admirers and fans? Well, the goal is worthy and quite realizable in the next two or three weeks.

And, of course, the events of the week will not end there! On March 23, Aquarius is waiting for an epoch-making event, which has not happened for a little over 250 years! Pluto will enter your zodiac sign, leaving Capricorn for three months. On the one hand, this will be a temporary event, as Pluto will return to Capricorn again on June 11 due to retrograde movement. On the other hand, this three-month period will be a showcase of sorts, giving you an idea of what's in store for you next year when Pluto finally moves into your sign until 2044. What will the Pluto transition affect in your case? Well, since Pluto will be in your sign, it will affect the 1st house of your personality, appearance, and inner worldview, as well as how you broadcast your personality to the outside world. In other words, Aquarius is waiting for a metamorphosis of a personal nature. Someone may want to change your image and appearance, the way you dress, and so on. And yet, one should take into account the duration of the transformations that this planet provides; in fact, they can go unnoticed for 20 years. And yet, this first test entry of Pluto into your sign may have the effect of a bombshell, i.e., someone from your sign will desire change, and right away.

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At the end of the week, another significant event awaits us. On March 25, the long-awaited transition of Mars into the sign of Cancer will take place. Why long awaited? Mars has been in Gemini longer than usual due to retrograde and has been in your love and creativity sector since last August. In any case, as of March 25, Mars is influencing your 6th house of work, routine, and health, helping Aquarians cope with increased workloads and recover from illness (for whom this is relevant). The only negative influence that Mars has is impatience and the possibility of overdoing it. Simply put, be careful, especially about your physical condition.


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