Highlights of the week July 10 through 16, 2023 for Aquarius based on major astrological aspects.
Dear Aquarians, your stakes are high like never before! In any case, you are faced with an important decision that Aquarians will have to make, possibly not now, but within the next seven weeks. The thing is that on July 10th, fiery Mars enters the constellation of Virgo until August 27th, influencing your 8th house of intimacy and close relationships. It should be noted that every new transit of Mars is quite significant, as due to the elongated orbit of this planet, Mars has not visited your 8th house of close relationships for over two years. During this time, colors faded and feelings weakened. In other words, Aquarians can expect a hot period during which you will renew your vows to each other.
However, single Aquarians may be interested in casual acquaintances. This is completely lawful and not prohibited, as it is now summer, a time of joy and summer romances, when no one thinks about what will or will not happen in the future. On the other hand, even lonely people may be interested in exclusively serious relationships and deep emotional connections. Well, in this case, despite the multitude of options, set the bar higher and rely on luck.
Couples in long-term relationships with Mars in the 8th house of closeness can expect an activation of their intimate life. However, with Mars, nothing is so simple and smooth. The essence of Mars' character itself is impatience, a surge of energy without any plan for further actions. In other words, it starts off well, but ends as always! Moreover, the 8th house is associated with intense emotional states, secrets, and mysteries. Therefore, one possible development of events is the admission or disclosure of a secret that one of the partners has been hiding, or perhaps both. And this time, you can't escape! Either you continue to play your game as if nothing has happened for the next two years, or you open up and share your secrets with your partner. It can be hurtful, embarrassing, and even painful, but only honesty can restore mutual trust and reignite the smoldering embers of past feelings. And here's another thing. If you have a secret that you are not ready to share, then you are likely not on the same page with this person.
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