Pisces monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Pisces monthly Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly Pisces horoscope for September 2024, what to pay attention to

Dear Pisces,

September 2024 promises to be an optimistic month for you. It might just be the long-awaited moment when postponed plans begin to move forward and everything regains its sense of purpose. Last month, retrograde Mercury put a damper on your growth and development. Acknowledging the challenges of recent times, it's important to note that since March of last year, Saturn's influence has kept you in a period of learning through adversity, demanding effort and perseverance to achieve success. But don’t worry—changes are just around the corner!

As we enter September, Uranus will turn retrograde in the constellation of Taurus. This unpredictable planet has been involved in the upheavals around your sign in recent years. Beginning on September 1, Uranus will start its retrograde motion, lasting until January 30, 2025. This offers you a golden opportunity to reassess and reevaluate your social environment and communications. As Uranus moves retrograde in your 3rd House of Communication and Connections, it will slow the pace and possibly grant you the long-awaited peace you've been seeking.

On the same day, September 1, transformative Pluto leaves Aquarius and returns to Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime (seeing it in this part of the sky again will require a wait of 230 years!). This shift will impact the social dynamics around your sign. Since 2008, Pluto has been in Capricorn, influencing and transforming the responsibilities of your 11th House of Social Connections. Pluto's final visit to this sector signifies a thorough check of the transformations you've undergone over the past decade and a half.

On September 2, the new moon in Virgo will influence the relationship sector of your 7th House, opening a favorable six-month window for building strong alliances. You might find yourself starting a new chapter with the important people in your life.

Pisces week horoscope August 26—September 1, 2024
Horoscope for the week September 16—22, 2024

However, caution is advised; don't rush your decisions. On September 3, Mars and Neptune will form a tense aspect, potentially causing conflicts with those close to you who are seeking your attention. Fortunately, the influence of the impatient Mars will be short-lived. By September 4, Mars will move into Cancer, activating your 5th House of Love and Passion.

On September 8, an important celestial event will occur: the opposition of the Sun in Virgo and Saturn in your constellation. For you, this opposition will bring more benefits than drawbacks. The tension created by this aspect might provide clarity about your relationships, helping you discern who is truly a loyal friend and who is merely pretending.

The month reaches another peak on September 17 with the only full moon in your sign for 2024. Accompanied by a supermoon and a partial lunar eclipse, this event signifies more than meets the eye. It marks the beginning of a new series of eclipses on the Virgo-Pisces axis, lasting until February 2027. These celestial occurrences will influence all your relationships, bringing to light the contradictions between your personal desires and external demands.

If you feel love is eluding you, rest assured it isn’t. In fact, from September 19 to 21, the Universe opens a special window of opportunities for new encounters! During these fortuitous days, the Sun in Virgo will form harmonious aspects with both Uranus and Pluto. This alignment signals that you should brace yourself for the unexpected.

Stay optimistic, Pisces, and embrace the transformations heading your way. May this month bring you clarity, renewed connections, and a sense of fulfillment!


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