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The Zodiac Sign Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope

Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope

Zodiac sign Cancer Love Compatibility

Compatibility of Cancer, Basic Traits of the sign of the Zodiac Cancer' Love & Romance Character, Cancer Relationships Individual Preferences, those born during June 22 - July 22

Cancer and Aries Love Compatibility Horoscope

This combination is usually hard to match. The powerful sexual attraction is a usual thing for these two signs. A problem is that sexual attraction fades in the face of many temperamental differences. Aries leaps without looking; Cancer is cautious. Cancer loves hearth and home; Aries hates being tied down. Resentments build up and they argue over trifles. The discrepancy between their temperaments results in the strengthening of incompatibility in bed. Astrological forecast for this couple is a stormy sea, and the marriage for certain will result in ship-wreck.

Cancer and Taurus Love Compatibility Horoscope

Usually, this makes a good combination. Both need security and a sense of permanence, and both are loving, affectionate, and passionate as well. The Cancer adds to this union more sensuality and imagination. Both are passionate and do not need any extraneous help to be pleased with each other. The Taurus is capable of understanding changes in the mood of the Cancer and can help smooth the problems if any appear. The Taurus is usually an attentive person. The Cancer is responsive. This relationship can and will improve with age and hard work, as these are such different personalities, and in many ways ones strength supports the others weakness. Cancers sex life is affected by the way they are getting along in the evening, and if there is arguing or other unpleasantness, Cancer will not make love to Taurus and too much of this could build a wall between them. The understanding of each other's problems will help the existence of a pleasant connection. A successful marriage is possible in case these two are willing to give rather than get.

Cancer and Gemini Love Compatibility Horoscope

Gemini's sparkle immediately intrigues Cancer, but Cancer won't find security with fickle, fly-by-night Gemini. The Cancer's self-confidence will decrease during his dialogue with the changeable Gemini, who is fond of pleasures. The unguided sexual energy of the Gemini will create problems for the Cancer. Cancer is the home-loving type and will be content to stay there and lock the rest of the world outside, but Gemini would soon become restless and angry over this as he/she is very sociable and likes to be around other people; having no wish to feel as if they are a prisoner in their own home. Life will quickly become unbearable to Gemini. Cancers are driven by emotion and feelings and generally prefer the constant. Gemini's unstoppable movement will prove unsettling to Cancer. Though it is a very emotional connection, the long-term connection is almost impossible here.

Cancer and Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope

They have a lot in common, and that's the trouble. They are too similar to be happy together. Both suffer from excessive sensitivity and that results in emotional problems. Both want to play a main role in the sexual relationship, and it often causes criticism and disputes. They both take words and actions to be literal truths and that can mean some consistent pain and unrest for them. They tend to see themselves as martyrs, vastly giving individuals, and when one does not see this in the other they react in shock. They will waste a lot of time together, better spent on other things, in the middle of petty bickering and dredging up the past mistakes of the other. However, physically, they attract each other and this connection can be rather sensual. The marriage demands a great goodwill and mutual understanding.

Cancer and Leo Love Compatibility Horoscope

Usually, this is a good combination since the Moon (Cancer) reflects the light of the Sun (Leo). The Leo has the ability to stabilize moody Cancer. Generous, openhearted, strong Leo is just what insecure Cancer is looking for and it creates a feeling of reliance for a changeable Cancer. On the other hand, it is necessary to flatter and admire by Leo's advantages and especially in the field of sex, where he/she should dominate. If the Cancer is ready to let the Leo be the leader in the bedroom a passionate connection and rather successful marriage can take place.

Cancer and Virgo Love Compatibility Horoscope

Cancer's responses are emotive while Virgo's are analytical, but their personalities mesh so well that it doesn't seem to matter. The Virgo is a practical person and gives a basis for this union. The Cancer is more emotional of a creature but they are capable to derive pleasure from their relationships. They perfectly fit each other in the bedroom. One of the dangers in this relationship will be too much caring! Each one loves to look after and fuss about the person they love, which will go far in making life intolerable for both of them. Together these signs do a lot of talking about things that need doing; each one needs to be paired with a positive personality for anything but talks to get accomplished. This can turn out to be quite an interesting connection in case the Virgo is little less demonstrative and affectionate with Cancer.

Cancer and Libra Love Compatibility Horoscope

This pair operates on entirely different levels: Cancer wants love to be emotionally transcendent, Libra seeks perfect intellectual communion. It is difficult for the Libra to get on well with a Cancer's changeable temperament. The Cancer, for his turn, feels uncertainty and anxiety because of the Libra's attachment. The Libra is attracted by the Cancer's moods, but he/she prefers to avoid any troubles. Cancer will have to bring some excitement and glamour into the bedroom and their lovemaking if he/she would capture and hold Libras attention, as he/she has a roving eye and will always be looking for greener pastures, sex being the important part of life to him/her that it is. But if Cancer turns critical, especially about Libra's extravagance, Libra will start looking elsewhere. The connection is possible. The marriage is almost unreal.

Cancer and Scorpio Love Compatibility Horoscope

Masterful Scorpio should make a good mate for the soft-spoken Cancer. The Scorpio's force and his/her needs to dominate and protect are just what the Cancer is longing for. Cancer's possessiveness will actually make Scorpio feel secure. Cancer admires Scorpio's strength while Scorpio finds a haven in Cancer's emotional commitment. The Cancer is more sensitive about sexual relations, while the Scorpio is more passionate. The Cancer's desire to please helps avoid many problems in this area. The Scorpio's furious jealousy does not arise since the Cancer is devoted to their partner. The love will be growing, and this passionate connection can develop in a perfect marriage.

Cancer and Sagittarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

They usually have different purposes and desires. Sagittarius is the wanderer and does not like to stop his/her choice on something certain. The Cancer wants to be sure of the love of the partner. The Sagittarius is not capable to ensure it. The Cancer lives for the sake of the future. Sagittarius lives for today. Cancer's jealousy is aroused by Sagittarius's flighty, faithless ways; Sagittarius is bored by Cancer's dependency. Sagittarius likes to wander, while Cancer is a stay-at-home. When Sagittarius feels boredom he/she begins searching for new connections/partners. The Cancer will be deeply offended by this fact. Sexually, Sagittarius is very active, and as a rule, Cancer is easily satisfied. This can leave Sagittarius feeling let down and depressed or unfulfilled, which in turn will send him/her searching for a new partner. There are vague prospects of more or less steady connection.

Cancer and Capricorn Love Compatibility Horoscope

The Capricorn is not able to pay very much attention to the partner, and it doesn't meet the Cancer's wishes. The Capricorn has too many other interests. Both are good money managers and are unlikely to have many financial problems. Waste, as well as extravagance, is an offense to Capricorn. Capricorn is a faithful and devoted mate which the more positive type of Cancer can be content with, even if life does get a little boring at times. However, a strong sexual attraction exists between these two signs. In the bedroom, everything will be perfect until Cancer feels bored with the practicality and restraint of the Capricorn. The connection is unstable, and the marriage is undesirable.

Cancer and Aquarius Love Compatibility Horoscope

Fun-loving Aquarius will be too unpredictable for a vulnerable Cancer. The Cancer is usually more open and steady than Aquarius, who is inclined to find new adventures. Aquarians love to share their life stories with the world while Cancer is satisfied to concentrate on personal obligations. Cancer has a conservative taste; Aquarius tastes are usually the opposite. The Cancer's needs can't remain unsatisfied. Aquarius tends to exempt him/herself from emotional requirements. They are able to find a common language in the bedroom for some time, though they will not sustain this partnership in the drawing room for a long time. The eccentricity of Uranus does not go well with the moods of Luna. Odds against this combination are too great for this combination unless one will become subservient to the other.

Cancer and Pisces Love Compatibility Horoscope

This is an affectionate, sensitive couple who will bolster each other's ego. Pisces is an imaginative dreamer and Cancer is an imaginative worker- together they can make their dreams a reality. Pisces provides romance in Cancer's life, and Cancer is the all-protective lover Pisces needs. They are a good pair in the field of sex. They are both sympathetic and try to support each other. Cancer will probably be the leader, because of the Pisces' inclination for some eccentricity in love affairs. The quarrels are usually short and quickly come to an end in bed. They are a perfect fit for each other. They can spend their time during the day and during the night with the same result and the sentimental combination of these two signs make for an ideal marriage.

♋ Horoscopes for Cancer

The Zodiac Sign Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope Zodiac signs Well

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Comments: Cancer Love Compatibility Horoscope

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SweetSouthernBeauty 2019-02-28 12:25:15
Female cancer currently married to a Libra...not happy at all. I have fallen in love with a Taurus but have reservations. Past relationships with Sagittarius 5 years......hated every minute of it! Libra 2 years...pure disaster...evil bastard. Beginning to wonder if I am better off alone.
Shima 2019-12-16 09:16:53
im sorry to hear that...btw, whats ur moon n their moon..sag and libra. Also the mars and venus too?
Charm 2019-01-31 13:10:26
How about Cancer man and Taurus woman? Please share your experience please
Emeka 2018-05-08 15:40:27
I'm a cancer male. Two of my ex girlfriends were Scorpio. My first crush was a scorpio.
Lila 2018-01-03 20:04:23
I am a cancer woman and my first love is a taurus man and i am happy that things aren't that bad between taurus and cancer
Orange 2018-01-01 01:15:06
I am water dog female in mid 30s. It saying the best match with a rabbit.
How would I find the rabbit best partner in the world hahaha....
Tiger, pig, monkey- okay partners.
I just broke up with ex. He is capricorn pig. He is most wonderful relationship this year but turn out after the break up this month. His different side showed- He become an asshole, disrespectful, liars, and very cruel. I was so shocked.....but I want to move on with me life. My heart is so painful and so sad. He had a rough childhood and also adult life. I don't deserves this.
Elena 2017-09-19 17:26:51
I am a cancer and currently in relation with the same sign. So far everything is smooth we dont fight we dont argue but we cry and laugh together.
Michelle 2017-10-11 03:41:44
I'm an Aries woman in a relationship with a cancer man and this is so wrong about us. It's actual opposite. He like going out, but I'd rather be home. Either way I hate the way these site paints an Aries. A lot of Ariens I know are docile home body's. Smh.
Pumie 2017-08-29 13:41:03
Currently dating a Cancer guy as I am Aquarian and so far so good, we know how to compromise I guess but we all still new
wayne 2017-07-10 06:07:32
Cancer man Taurus woman I hope will work out between us she seems to love me a lot and but I can't be so sure
Dayatch 2017-03-03 11:17:48
I am cancer guy, i need a cancer lady for a smooth relationship pls contact me 08110112352
jedidiah 2017-05-24 01:10:35
lol how old are you i could help you my friend and i are both cancer ,if you are on twitter my handel is jedidahsw
Sandy 2017-02-24 07:25:14
What about cancer woman and Aquarius man? Everything I have read says avoid it?????
Meep 2018-10-01 18:44:35
I'm a Cancer female, and my father was an Aquarious and we had a lot of trouble getting along, it was and is strained. I would not recommend it!
Holly 2018-04-17 19:57:54
I was married to an Aquarius. It was the WORST relationship ever.
Mel 2017-04-16 03:35:15
Run! I did it for years and it was awful! Be business partners or friends...as he and I are now. It's hard with the chemistry if one of both are single, but if you both find happy relationships with others, it's simple.
Isaac 2017-04-04 19:48:16
Find you either a Leo, Scorpio, or a Pisces for the best relationship.
HoroscopeLover 2017-01-29 23:13:52
Have been with Virgo off and on 14 years. I'm cancer female. He is too selfish, unthought full, ego driven and workaholic. Scorpio much better match. Virgo is bipolar and very critical of others.
kaybee 2017-01-22 09:20:41
I'm a male cancer and was with a gemini for 9 year. Unpredictable, Impractical, Terrible but fun, always something different everyday.

Angel 2016-11-16 21:21:03
Pisces and Cancer 20+ Years...My Best Friend and Twin Flame
Mary 2017-02-13 10:54:28
My hubby was a Pisces I'm a cancer as well. The best relationship ever 17 years strong. He has passed so I lost a best friend as well as hhusband,that was 2007 feels like yesterday. So yes still single because after being in such a great relationship I can't just settle. Hopefully God bless me with another Pisces lol Although I know there will never be another Ronnie, you guys keep that good thing going. Be blessed.
mujtaba soomro 2016-10-14 13:34:59
mujtaba soomro, cancerian 28/6/1979(premature0 born 12:45 pm
The Man 4 U 2016-08-13 15:09:40
Im a male cancer. Till recently i was on and off with a sag girl for 4 years and i have to agree with what everyone else has said about the two.. DISASTROUS!!!
Sheryl 2016-07-12 12:14:43
What the bond BTW Leo n cancer .anyone with such experience?
Juan 2016-11-20 10:42:36
Leo will annoy the cancer eventually
Shawn 2016-05-27 12:23:09
You can't base the outcome of a relationship off these compatibility comparison's simply because we have more than one astrological sign. This is just one comparison of our signs, specifically the sun sign. We are made up of many colors.
presh 2016-05-18 03:12:29
What u said about cancer and Libra compatibility is so not true pls next time make proper research before u post things like this online
june 2016-05-06 10:14:15
I have practically dated every sign, just to see how they all are, I dated more pisces than others cos every site I go to kept saying they are the perfect match for cancers. They are cool but their Flirty and never deciding attitude does not sit well with me, dated about 5 pisces and I dont think they are perfect for me. well after all said and done am married to a Virgo right now, and I can say virgo's are d best for cancers. They provide the security we crave, it's just unexplainable. Am a June 30th cancer, female, born 1992. Does anyone feel d same or was I just lucky??
Lisa 2016-12-29 16:08:08
yes Virgo's are the best match...
Shelley 2016-10-09 21:24:00
Agree with you 100% I have recently fallen in love with a VIRGO and he tends to my every insecurity.ll.he was made for me.
Wayne 2016-09-01 23:04:25
Message from june
I have practically dated every sign, just to see how they all are, I dated more pisces than others cos every site I go to kept saying they are the perfect match for cancers. They are cool but their Flirty and never deciding attitude does not sit well with me, dated about 5 pisces and I dont think they are perfect for me. well after all said and done am married to a Virgo right now, and I can say virgo's are d best for cancers. They provide the security we crave, it's just unexplainable. Am a June 30th cancer, female, born 1992. Does anyone feel d same or was I just lucky??

They don't even know what my sign is they guess that some say Gemini and some say cancer it is so dis confusing my B day is june 21 1954 and I can go to another astrology website and who knows what they might say very flustrating.
Cancergirl 2017-11-23 21:50:09
this is my birthday too and I struggled finding what my proper sign was - eventually found out it all depends on where you were born and exact timing etc. there’s websites that do ephimeris and you can fill in your latitude and longitude and find out
Robert 2017-05-10 07:03:53
U R on a cusp ( borderline ) between
two zodiac signs. hat this means is that you will show characteristics of both your sign and the next sign.
Kimberly 2017-03-20 21:58:10
Wayne, my birthday is June 20 and it is whats concidered on the cusp of gemini and cancer. I have a more cancer tendencies than gemini. Take it with a grain of salt...don't be frustrated just embrace being a little of both. Its all in Fun. You are who you are!
Jennifer 2016-06-18 11:39:56
June 22, 1958
I agree totally with you, Virgo is the more perfect match. I have not knowingly dated every zodiac, but rather more of most every race and or culture, their zodiac came 2nd if I got to know them well enough. I have not been married for some time and love the single, or even semi-single life..... but still looking for Mr. right, but zodiac mixed with culture can change things a mite. from cultures of men being totally king and only ruler of the house even Virgo is suppressive, which is great for BDSM relationships but....... that depends on what you are looking for, but culture does change the game. just my experience, I am into culture, however zodiac does come into play
Cynthia 2016-03-26 05:06:08
I was with an aries guys for 16months,and it was a living hell for me..am looking for a Pisces guy for a long term relationship.. Contact me if u know you are single and searching..07039222293.tnx!
Bon 2017-06-26 19:22:35
Cynthia, how old are you? what's your location?
latoari 2016-02-21 07:32:28
Soni, give it time...Cancer with Cancer is a disaster! Tried it twice but you cant fight your nature!
Dusent Matta 2016-02-12 20:29:47
I found my pisces girl I have been in love with for years. She knows I love her nd I know she loves me but, the fact that we arent together confuses me. She wants us to be friends but im trying to start my life and settle down. I'm wondering if I should let her go and start looking elsewhere... I need guidance.
dolly 2016-02-03 22:09:59
aries man and cancer woman!DISASTROUS 🙁
Htanders 2016-01-10 01:50:59
Cancer man aires woman......dont ever do that...seriously dont
Lovebug11 2016-06-20 16:26:14
[b]Many people say that Aries and Cancers aren't a good mix but what if there's a connection that takes time to grow? I have a crush on a Cancer man (I'm an Aries woman) and sometimes he subtly flirts and throws hints that I catch but it seems like we are both just taking our time with the situation. I personally think that you just have to get to know someone. I had the STRONGEST connection with a Pisces and 6 years later we still have a close friendship but its still taking us time to get use to the way our personalities mingle together. Always start off as friends then work your way up gradually. [/b

chuks 2015-12-05 14:50:16
Hi good and lovly people..I love all your comments..well here is also a place we can connect and also share our views too.for the cancers in the house bigups to yall..am a virgo age 29..I won't mind having some one I can be compactable with.I don't mind if is out of this world,as long as we can love and care for each other.am an African too, (proud to be) 🙂 ..so if u out there for me (female),feel free to rech me ok ..I will love and appreciate you very much..kingchukzy1@yahoo.com or +2348030888464..pls we should try to put any means of contact incase ur missing rib is out there.God bless us all..
jennifer 2016-06-18 11:48:05
to bad you are so far away. what part of Africa are you from? I love learning true life cultures.
Tam7889 2015-10-29 15:46:01
I'm a cancer, was w a Sagittarius for 8yrs...DISTARIOUS!!
Majes 2016-01-24 19:32:40
I'm a male cancer and I can definitely agree with this
Jennifer 2015-11-14 12:51:54
Oh yeah im a cancer and was also with a sagittarius for 9 years and it was a disaster too
D.Street 2015-12-24 06:17:48
Hello jennifer... Was it that bad...???
Brianna 2015-10-28 17:29:14
I'm currently with a Virgo and we are in a very lovable relationship. So far right now we haven't had any relationship issues. We are together all the time and are very caring for one another.
Christine 2016-03-28 11:29:43
I'm also with a Virgo man they are so good to us
zz 2015-10-17 08:03:07
i'm in a relationship with Librans for 6 years, signs are partly true. hoping that marriage is delightful ...soon
aswan 2015-10-16 02:50:43
I'm a 63 year old cancer man in love with a 49 year old Gemini woman there is a gap in our relationship I would like to fill so that we could have a long and lasting relationship she is a joy to be with
mujtaba soomro 2015-10-06 23:13:46
cancerian 28/6/1979(premature) born 12:45 pm karachi, pakistan

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