Singer/songwriter Richard Gotainer is known for his witty and ironic lyrics. He has a sharp sense of humor that resonates well in stage performances. Born March 30, 1948 in France Gotainer was a happy-go-lucky child with a half serious side. He was always very funny and spent his early years writing witty sketches and recording street sounds with his close friend, Jacky.
Richard and Jacky's first cabaret act failed to impress audiences, but this failure convinced Richard that he would devote himself to being a performer. His album covers and music reflect his humor and love of fun. He is portrayed naked and standing with a spear and a shield on one of his albums La Planete des Singles (which is typical). Listen to his songs whose titles make you sit back in your chair and wonder what is going on. Lament of the Miserables, Mom, you are splitting my Feet, and Words are the Ruckus.
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