Joshua Daniel Hartnett portrayed Michael Fitzgerald on the television program Cracker: Mind Over Murder in 1997 and began his film career doing commercials and short plays. His breakout role was Halloween H20: 20 Years later in 1998. Josh was born on July 21, 1978 in San Francisco and has three younger siblings. He always wanted to make movies from the time he was very small and at the age of 16 he and his friends were making a short film at the local Dairy Queen when they were accused of breaking and entering.
Josh's claim to fame is being named the sexiest vegetarian in the world by the PETA organization in 2003. He was also voted Bliss's magazine 3rd sexiest male. Josh's most well-known film was Pearl Harbor in 2001 and he was under consideration as the star in the Butterfly Effect.
Josh also acts in stage plays and was Charlie Babbitt in Rain Man on the London stage. Josh has also stared in 30 Days of Night (2007) and August (2008). Josh is still looking to finding someone that he can be truly happy with.
Comments: Josh Hartnett