Guevara was actually born in Rosario, Argentina on June 14, 1928. He studied medicine and completed his studies at the University of Buenos Aires. He became active in politics in his native Argentina, moved on to Bolivia and then to Guatemala. He met Fidel Castro in 1954 while in Mexico.
Guevara paired with Castro to overthrow the Batista government in Cuba. He was military adviser to Castro and led guerilla troops against Batista. When Castro took over Cuba in 1959, Guevara was in charge of La Cabana Fortress prison. Guevara executed at least 500 people during his tenure.
Guevara was appointed president of the Cuba national bank and moved trade relations from the U.S. to the Soviet Union. He was also appointed minister of industry and he attempt to sell Cuba to the rest of the world. In 1966 Guevara tried to incite Bolivians to rebel against the government.t He was captured and killed in La Higuera by the Bolivian army on October 9, 1967.
Guevara is help up for his rebellion, revolution and socialism. He was ruthless and ordered prisoners executed without trial. Guevara is also known as Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Ernesto Guevara or simple Che Guevara. He was married to Hilda Gadea from 1955 to 1959, and Aleida March from 1959 until his death. He has five children.
Comments: Che Guevara