Born at the Chateau de Miromesnil in France, Maupassant was the first born (August 5, 1850) of Gustave de Maupassant and Laure Le Poittevin. Maupassant is considered the father of the modern short story and his stories are efficient and effortless denouements. He sets his stories during the Franco-Russian War and describes the futility of war. He wrote 300 short stories, three travel books, one volume of poems and six novels. His first story Boule de Sif or Ball of Fat in 1880 is his masterpiece.
Maupassant worked unceasingly on his writing and he produced two or four volumes on an annual basis. His practical business senses as well as his talent made him a wealthy man. In 1881 he published a volume of short stories La Maison Tellier. His first novel Une Vie or A Woman' Life in 1993 sold 25,000 copies. His next novel Bel Ami (1885) was published thirty seven different times.
He wrote for his publishing supervisor Havard and produced Pierre et Jean considered to be his greatest novel. He traveled throughout Algeria, Italy, Brittany, England, Auvergne and Sicily. He wrote a new volume on these journeys. He travel the on Bel-Ami his private yacht.
He was very solitary during his last years due to syphilis. In 1892 Maupassant attempted to commit suicide and was admitted to a private asylum, Esprit Blanche. He died there on July 6, 1893.
Comments: Guy de Maupassant