Aries born in Dragon year Personality Horoscope
The Zealous Aries Dragon Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Aries made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Aries born during the Dragon Year: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
In Chinese Astrology, the Dragon is usually considered powerful due to their strength of presence and natural noble demeanor. People born during their reign in the Chinese astrological calendar are thought to gain some of the Dragon's confident and dignified aura. An individual born an Aries in the Year of the Dragon is believed to acquire lots of this boldness and elegance. An Aries Dragon has a zealous and very alert, forward-thinking approach to life that wins him or her many friends and admirers. These personalities are cheerful and fun rarely seeming to be bothered by life's little worries.
An Aries Dragon is usually intelligent, creative and quick in his thinking and wit. Of all Aries personalities, these Dragons are probably the most whimsical, and they often have a wicked sense of humor. The Aries Dragons visible over-enthusiasm for everything is inspiring, but it can also be annoying occasionally. These individuals are sometimes a little nosy, as they want to know all the facts about something or someone. They do not like to have an incomplete picture of things they hear and see. These people love to investigate and obtain their own version of something, rather than be told about it.
Curiosity is one of the reasons that an Aries Dragon will want to get to know someone. They tend to seek out others who, like themselves, are a bit different and modern in their opinions and thoughts. These individuals love to chat, and so any potential friends or partners should be prepared for hours of interesting discussion. An Aries Dragon sometimes uses a person's responses to questions to judge whether they will be worth conversing with. This is rather pompous, and doesn't always bring good results, but they still seem to automatically do it. Once you get to know them they will not mind you using the same tactics on them.
The Aries Dragon often falls in love very easily and may have several relationships before they find the right one. They will usually rush in with all their avidity and slightly overly-trusting nature, without their usual think-ahead reasoning. When it comes to love and romance, an Aries Dragon is a bit of a perfectionist, and they have high expectations for their personal relationships. They cannot understand why others are more cautious and hold back their feelings initially. These people need partners who are demonstrative and will return the same amount of affection and openness.
When the Aries Dragon is angered or upset, they may reveal the weakness in their personality of not taking kindly to the advice of others. If they are brooding, these Aries are best left to it. They like to work out their own solutions to problems, in their own time, and will rarely take recommendations from other people. If you try to offer guidance or suggestions they will usually be flatly ignored. Even if they know the advice is good, they will still refuse to listen, and have even been known to do the total opposite of what is suggested.
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Comments: Aries Dragon Horoscope
To be quite honest, I allowed the evil to destroy me. It's 2025, this was the first article that popped up on my feed for good reason.i don't believe things happen by mistake, this article reminded me of what I am made of and I'll m prepared to step back in those shoes and relinquish what has been taken and move on with, elegance & dignity. We are "bulldogs" and this one just can't live like a "pussy cat" NO LONGER! with God as my lead, who can get it wrong.
Onward Aries Dragon, you have some cleaning up to do with no apologies.
Love and light,
Happy 2025 everybody!
Aries Traits (Western Zodiac):
1. Energetic and driven: Aries individuals are known for their boundless energy and motivation.
2. Confident and assertive: They often have a strong sense of self and aren't afraid to take charge or stand up for themselves.
3. Adventurous: People under the Aries sign tend to seek out new experiences and enjoy taking risks.
4. Impulsive: Aries can be spontaneous, acting on their desires without always thinking things through.
5. Competitive: They have a desire to be first and the best in their endeavors.
Dragon Traits (Chinese Zodiac):
1. Charismatic and confident: Dragons are natural leaders and often inspire others with their charisma and self-assuredness.
2. Ambitious and determined: Those born during the Year of the Dragon are driven to achieve their goals and are not easily swayed from their paths.
3. Innovative: Dragons are considered to be creative problem-solvers and visionaries.
4. Dominant: They may have a commanding presence and prefer to be in control of situations.
5. Generous: Despite their strong personality, Dragons are known for their generosity and willingness to help others.
The combination of Aries and Dragon characteristics may result in an individual who:
1. Exudes confidence and leadership: The assertiveness of Aries combined with the commanding presence of the Dragon might make this person very self-assured and a natural leader.
2. Is highly ambitious and driven: With the motivation of an Aries and the determination of a Dragon, this person is likely to be goal-oriented and seek significant achievements in life.
3. Possesses a pioneering spirit: Aries' adventurousness and the Dragon's innovation may make this individual someone who is always at the forefront of new projects and endeavors.
4. Is competitive and dominant: The competitive nature of Aries and the dominance of the Dragon could lead to a person who strongly desires to succeed and be recognized for their accomplishments.
5. Acts boldly and decisively: With the impulsiveness of Aries and the Dragon's confidence, decisions are likely to be made quickly and with a sense of conviction, though this might sometimes border on recklessness.
It is important to remember that astrology provides archetypal insights and is not a definitive guide to anyone's personality. Individuals are complex, and a multitude of factors beyond astrological signs influence a person's behavior and character. Therefore, while the combination of Aries and Dragon traits can offer a general framework, it will not apply to every person fitting this astrological profile in the exact same way.
I'm not easily angered. Not real anger, anyway. Mostly, irritation flares, then goes away. But there comes a point, eventually, when 'done' becomes 'truly done' and it sticks- and sticks for good. Then, there is no going back.
Definitly on point! Takes a strong individual to handle an Aries Dragon.
[just=center][/just]We Are The Best Of The Best[just=center][/just] Whie men are intimidated by us Aries Dragon Women, because of our strong personalities... The men always have some that’s head over heals in love with them. I hope you all know we all have psychic abilities and powers. Build a stronger relationship with whomever your God is and you will be able to tap into healing powers as well. We all are fascinating to the world around us, we are special. We’ve got keys to this world others just don’t have.
I’m April Fools Day... 1988
It's also crazy how many Aries dragon friends I have including my boi Jonna who's Birthday is the exact day/year and even coincidentally around the same time of the morning which was (April 3'rd "1988") 😨
Certainly me. March 25, 1988
Yep. Definitely someone I know. You were born on the same day as my ex! Exactly the same!
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