Cancer Dog

Cancer Dog Horoscope

Chinese 🎐 Western

Horoscope combination

Cancer born in Dog year Personality Horoscope

The Impartial Cancerian Dog Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Cancer made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Cancer born during the Dog Year: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

Like the represented Dog, a Cancerian born in their Chinese astrological year is thought to be lavished with their compassionate and naturally faithful nature. This is an especially favorable set of characteristics to acquire, and compliments nicely the sensitive Cancer personality. A Cancerian Dog personality is a pleasure to have around and will often carry with them their positive, friendly aura. The Cancerian Dog individual will acclimate well to most environments and relationships as long as he feels loved and wanted. These personalities thrive on being fair, and so usually treat others how they themselves like to be treated.

Running through the Cancerian Dog character is a generous helping of fairness that relates to his gift of much compassion. The Cancerian Dog's devoted and emotionally tuned-in personality can see all sides of an argument, and so usually all reasons for people's grievances. This ability often gains these people a reputation for being very fair in their approach to everything. They hate unfairness and are not known to suffer it quietly, often making a big fuss if they think they or their acquaintances are being unfairly treated.

In relationships with other adults, the influence of the Dog in these Cancerians may make them a bit instinctively cautious. At the beginning of close personal courtships, the Cancerian Dog is never quite relaxed. They can be a little shy at first, and may need coaxing into relaxing before they start to feel comfortable and at ease. This is partly due to the Dog's always-on-guard stance and the underlying insecurities of the typical Cancerian. People with this combined Western and Chinese astrology composition may take some convincing before they decide to commit. Their careful-guarded attitude towards long-term serious relationships sees many of them dating for quite a while before eventually settling down.

Cancerian Dogs are remarkable judges of character and appear to have a natural sense about people who are kind. These people are good listeners who are typically non-judgmental and will give you an impartial hearing and practical advice. The Cancerian Dog person's personality is ideally suited to caring or advisory careers, and they also make fantastic and capable parents. Their all-around versatility and great ability to do many things at once makes these personalities popular and never short on friends. Their bubbly outlook and sense of adventure are rather infectious, making these personalities nice to be with. They value friendship and loyalty deeply, and often this is the main thing they will search for in a potential partner.

The Cancerian Dog is a wonderful character, generally happy and eager to please, but he or she is not without weaknesses. These personalities can be known to be obstinate, moody and over-demanding. These Cancerian Dog traits are usually only displayed during periods of anxiety and worry. If these people have something worrying them, their usual cheery temperament will often suffer. They should also take care to not let others take advantage of their extremely loyal nature and fierce defense against injustice.

Cancer Dog Personality Horoscope Image Cancer Dog Personality Image

Comments: Cancer Dog Horoscope

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Zodiac 2023-12-04 09:10:42
In astrology, those born under the sign of Cancer (June 21 - July 22) are generally thought to embody qualities such as emotional sensitivity, compassion, and a nurturing spirit. Ruled by the Moon, Cancer individuals are known to be highly intuitive, protective of their loved ones, and value security and comfort. They have a strong focus on home and family and are often seen as the caretakers of the zodiac.

In the Chinese zodiac, individuals born in the Year of the Dog are believed to possess traits like loyalty, honesty, and a strong sense of duty. They are often seen as trustworthy, reliable, and supportive, with a keen sense of justice. Dogs are known to stand firmly by their friends and family, defend their ideals, and fight for what they believe in.

Combining the traits of Cancer with those of the Dog year, an individual might exhibit a unique blend of characteristics:

- Deeply empathetic: With Cancer's natural empathy and the Dog's sincerity, this person is likely to be exceptionally compassionate and sensitive to the feelings and needs of others.
- Devoted and protective: The combination of Cancer's desire to nurture and the Dog's loyalty could result in a highly devoted and protective individual, especially when it comes to family and close friends.
- Strong moral compass: Given the Dog's inherent sense of justice and Cancer's intuitiveness, this individual might have a strong instinct for right and wrong and strive to act accordingly.
- Cautiously sociable: Though Cancerians often prefer intimate settings and the Dog can be somewhat reserved, there is a potential for warm sociability within trusted circles of friends and family.
- Supportive caretaker: The nurturing instincts of Cancer combined with the Dog's dedication and reliability can lead to a personality that is deeply caring and supportive in both emotional and practical ways.
kriti 2019-02-02 07:14:22
accurate. loyal to the bone but if you give me any doubt that you are not then I'm out
Dave 2018-09-03 07:43:07
Im a Scorpio Tiger and my partner is a Cancerian Dog. Practically perfection.
Jennifer 2019-05-14 18:35:33
Do you have a friend ? lol
Scorpio tiger 😎
Isabel 2018-01-25 06:50:48
Let's have a big for our year all cancerian dog
Orange 2018-01-01 00:48:25
I am water dog female in mid 30s. It saying the best match with a rabbit.
How would I find the rabbit best partner in the world hahaha....
Tiger, pig, monkey- okay partners.
I just broke up with ex. He is capricorn pig. He is most wonderful relationship this year but turn out after the break up this month. His different side showed- He become an asshole, disrespectful, liars, and very cruel. I was so shocked.....but I want to move on with me life. My heart is so painful and so sad. He had a rough childhood and also adult life. I don't deserves this.
Mike Tran 2019-06-14 13:43:00
Hi, I am a Fire Rabbit in my early 30s. My ex was a Cancerian Dog and we were perfect for each other. Until she broke up with me out of nowhere because she had a rough childhood and had an innate ability to be moody , extremely judegemental, and doubting others. Over-demanded was an accurate description of the cancerian dog. No such thing as perfect in this world, but she failed to see the goods in people. Every time! GG
JT 2017-06-22 12:37:14
To all my Cancer Dog signs brothers & sisters!As far as trust issues. Does it make you change toward a person when they betray you? I have a problem ever trusting them again. This makes me not want to have a friendship anymore.Does anyone relate to this emotion?
Lee 2018-11-22 14:36:57
I feel exactly the same way. I have so much integrity that i cannot respect others who lack it.
Abhijith 2018-05-04 14:47:26
Yes. As a cancerian ones you loose trust for a a person it is lost forever. How ever you try to trust them again, deep down you know it is not worthy.
Eve 2017-07-27 23:18:50
Yes. I definitely change. As much as I want to give them a second chance, I tend to get paranoid once I know they have betrayed me once. I believe it's how I am in nature. As much as I trust everyone easily, the moment my trust is betrayed, its more or less over for me. Even if I'm willing to give them a second chance, I don't see myself trusting them again anytime soon unless a lot of effort is put in to change my mind.
LovingLotus 2016-12-27 14:08:16

I find it true that the upbringing can change a person and not JUST this specific individual! I am a cancer water dog. I am VERY go with the flow.... But because of my upbringing, I have SEVERE abandonment and separation anxiety! This makes it very difficult for my Virgo wood Ox boyfriend, as he is a "do your own thing" kind of person! We definitely have our issues! Especially since 6 of his planets Are sitting at 29%!! (and to those of you who know about numerology, yes, I did say 6!!) Check out the numerology charts for compatibility if you want a specific, individual perspective... That's all. This type of explanation is too vague. Numerology will tell you the soul of the individual.
rachel 2016-03-17 22:31:34
Dragons and dogs hate each other. Cancer metal dog here with a lovely Water Capricorn Dragon man. He is lovely and kind to me and I adore him. 15 years so far! Astrology can be accurate but there is so many layers in a xhart.
JT 2017-05-18 04:09:51
This is so true!I'm a Cancer Metal Dog as well. My dad was an Cancer Dragon sign. He and I could not get along, and I so disliked him.
sidon 2015-07-18 04:03:02
i'm looking for a female cancerian say's tiger taurus is d best partner...
Lovinglotus 2016-06-06 12:20:23
A Cancerian dog as well 🙂
Taylor 2016-04-12 16:48:39
I'm a cancer/dog female 🙂 21 years old! Where did you read that Taurus/tiger are the best Match?
Yhen 2015-08-01 17:19:27
Really I'am cancerian and dog sign
Fredriech 2015-06-09 23:38:09
After reading this as an cancer/dog I must agree to most of the comments, but the importance is that every humans have these aspects more or less. Figure out that you are working your life together with other lifes. Another mans asshole is another persons heaven. As someone said here before, its just not about signs, it goes deeper than you can imagine... (three dots makes it mysterious).
But to read this as an amateur astrologist makes me curious why people like to see patterns and systems in this, and searching for patterns in people. Astrology is not a tool as such- It is a tool which of knowledge can be perceived.
Perri 2015-04-09 18:16:01
I'm just getting into this. Someone that does not know me, did my chart last night. They told me things there was no way they could know. It's pretty spot on with me. Right down to how my hair looks being very important to me. Unbelievable!!!
alice 2015-04-01 12:33:46
I'm a Capricorn rabbit and have recently met a guy who is a cancer dog and he definetly has his guard up and is rigid but I feel if I got to know him better he'd be very warm and relaxed. Apparently rabbits and dogs work very well together.

CalmLady 2015-02-21 05:59:38
My ex-husband is a cancer dog (metal dog to be exact). He presents well, and those that don't really "know" him think he is a wonderful human being and very fun. He is a selfish, self-centered, extremely abusive (physical, intimate, mental), irresponsible, great big kid (in a bad way), and very cruel to the children. What a monster. Looks like its partly due to him having an improper upbringing-- which apparently especially affects cancer dogs, because good upbringing yields good cancer dogs? My suggestion is to run from all cancer dogs. I am a Gemini water pig. ZodiacManiac describes both of us exactly--- closest astrology I've ever read. I went looking for more detail because "cancer" descriptions do not fit him at all. I have fallen in love with a cancer earth pig and he is heaven. Initially i was scared when i found out he is a cancer-- but he and my ex are total opposites. I have no guilt because me and the kids have suffered enough to earn a good man. Hopefully this knowledge/post will help someone.
Joan 2016-09-11 13:18:09
Any man, regardless of sign, who is abusive in any way - is garbage. And while astrology can be fun tool to "make sense" of people in a playful way - your ex's abuse has nothing to do with his sign. I'm very sorry you had to go through this. But I am so happy to hear you gave another cancer "a chance" because in the end of the day it's not the sign that matters, but the soul and heart of your partner. All the best!
Mary 2015-07-12 16:42:02
Gemini is devious and clever commenter. Pig is flirty and dishonest...double devious dishonest!
Nate 2018-02-26 04:30:12
Totally agree with Mary my ex was Gemini /pig and she would probably say the same things about me but how did she she betray his trust snd happiness, lets hear that story
Geoff 2015-05-31 15:37:29
Message from CalmLady
My ex-husband is a cancer dog (metal dog to be exact). He presents well, and those that don't really "know" him think he is a wonderful human being and very fun. He is a selfish, self-centered, extremely abusive (physical, intimate, mental), irresponsible, great big kid (in a bad way), and very cruel to the children. What a monster. Looks like its partly due to him having an improper upbringing-- which apparently especially affects cancer dogs, because good upbringing yields good cancer dogs? My suggestion is to run from all cancer dogs. I am a Gemini water pig. ZodiacManiac describes both of us exactly--- closest astrology I've ever read. I went looking for more detail because "cancer" descriptions do not fit him at all. I have fallen in love with a cancer earth pig and he is heaven. Initially i was scared when i found out he is a cancer-- but he and my ex are total opposites. I have no guilt because me and the kids have suffered enough to earn a good man. Hopefully this knowledge/post will help someone.

I guess you were unlucky but I'd say that the combination of your western and eastern signs is not a particularly good one. I'm a Cancerian earth dog living with a Geminian wood dragon and the description you gave of your ex is akin to that I'd give of my partner albeit I'd draw the line at calling her a monster (even though she's a dragon!).

As someone who has not only studied astrology in depth but also invested heavily in software I have a full understanding of how basic the sun/animal signs interpretations are. In western astrology the other personal planets but particularly the moon and ascendant can explain an awful lot and in Chinese astrology the four pillars (hour, day, month, year) equally explain a lot. In Vedic astrology the moon is the main focus.

If you need to understand a relationship potential then I recommend you looking to the various esoteric sciences including numerology.
Juanita 2015-03-12 20:13:43
Message from CalmLady
My ex-husband is a cancer dog (metal dog to be exact). He presents well, and those that don't really "know" him think he is a wonderful human being and very fun. He is a selfish, self-centered, extremely abusive (physical, intimate, mental), irresponsible, great big kid (in a bad way), and very cruel to the children. What a monster. Looks like its partly due to him having an improper upbringing-- which apparently especially affects cancer dogs, because good upbringing yields good cancer dogs? My suggestion is to run from all cancer dogs. I am a Gemini water pig. ZodiacManiac describes both of us exactly--- closest astrology I've ever read. I went looking for more detail because "cancer" descriptions do not fit him at all. I have fallen in love with a cancer earth pig and he is heaven. Initially i was scared when i found out he is a cancer-- but he and my ex are total opposites. I have no guilt because me and the kids have suffered enough to earn a good man. Hopefully this knowledge/post will help someone.

I am an offended Cancer/Dog - female & earth - so a bit different to your ex.
Running from anyone who is a bully is a totally good idea & I wish you well in your new relationship. We all deserve to be happy, free and NOT controlled.
However, astrology & human psychology is complex & you really can't tar us all with the same brush. Sounds as if you're ex has been badly damaged & needs help.
Should we ever meet up I hope you don't run away because what you see is what you get with me & I really do display the typical character of the Cancer/Dog combo briefly described here.
Best wishes.

mel 2015-02-19 02:15:27
That's me I'm a cancerian dog almost all what has been tell here is true I value loyalty, friendly, fairness.
Love family, home, and kinda perfectionist at times because I what everything in the best it should be. But for me everything depends about how you grow up, the environment and how does people surround influence you... It's more of building values and moral character.
FR 2015-01-17 17:30:13
A friend of mine is a cancer dog. She appears friendly, cheery. Cares about her social life. I noticed she is compulsive liar-- she repeatedly tell white lies to make herself sound good with her peers. She exaggerates and makes up stories. I repeatedly claim credits that are not done by her. I realized she is a talker than a doer. I dont know if I should trust her because of her dishonesty. I don't know how she is in her love relationship, so no comment there.
YH 2014-12-24 00:28:51
My bro in law is a cancer dog.he is very selvis,very demanding, very bosy,and like to choose a very litle as he can of any responsibilities. He doesn't want to get settling down only because he won't take any of rensposibility. In his life, nothing else matter but his social life. He is a very annoying person for his family.
Jennifer 2014-12-13 06:14:04
I am a cancer dog and i have dated a Scorpio dragon for the last 3 years and it is the hardest relationship I have ever encountered. I worship him and he thinks I am the complete opposite of who I really am. he is severly skeptical and charming and sharp tongued. he is extremely cunning and manipulating and hard to tie down. he needs to be free to wander and be flashy and be praised and be in charge. he requires acceptance and validation from his peers because he is very insecure and jealousy rules him. money is the most important thing to this man while love is the most important thing to us. love will keep us and hold us together. he will unravel without financial reassurance. love is merely an idea for this person. for us this is necessary for our very survival. good luck. I know I need it.
Des 2016-03-21 02:37:28
I am a Cancer double metal dog. Ex was a Libra Dragon. Usually got along with Libra okay. When I realized not only was he a dragon, but most of my family also are dragons I looked it up. Dogs and Dragons are the worst mix! My usually humorous self was almost reduced to an insane screaming person. He lied just for the sake of lying, for no reason. He is the one that made me extremely cautious of anyone else. Focused on my Scorpio Monkey child that he never bothered to help raise. Never even sent a card or acknowledged our child's existence once we split.
Farheen 2014-10-19 21:07:47
It is as I'm but these days having trouble with my hubby who is scorpion dragon help me out of it
Lili 2015-02-23 15:59:57
Message from Farheen
It is as I'm but these days having trouble with my hubby who is scorpion dragon help me out of it

cancerian and scorpian are a perfect match.Dragon is the dog's mortal enemy. Your problem is here.Maybe you could read up on dragon horoscope that will help you understand his personality better..
Philippa 2014-08-17 13:51:12
I can't quite believe how crazily accurate this is.
Jace 2014-07-16 14:24:46
This is bang on. This is me. 🙂

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