Capricorn Ox

Capricorn Ox Horoscope

Chinese 🎐 Western

Horoscope combination

Capricorn born in Ox year Personality Horoscope

The Resolute Capricorn Ox Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Capricorn made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Capricorn born during the Ox Year: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

The Chinese astrological symbol of the Ox represents a solid, determined, self-sufficient and mostly undemonstrative personality. This animal's resolute influence is well matched to the typical disciplined traits of a Western astrology's Capricorn sun sign. If a Capricorn is born in the Year of the Ox, their resulting personality is believed to be very strong-willed. The Capricorn Ox will be rather determined in their mannerisms and ambitious, and appear to rely on nobody but themselves. A Capricorn Ox is organized and decisive, but also a little reserved, not a person that likes to draw attention to him or herself.

The Capricorn Ox is usually a practical person who is a hard worker and sees most things as easily achievable with a little effort. These are not complainers or pessimists, and they will take on responsibility easily, and take it seriously. They tend to not let work stress them out too much, while still appreciating the importance of their responsibilities. A Capricorn Ox tends to have big aspirations in life, and may sometimes occasionally be relentless in their pursuit of them. These personalities like money, and they are usually quite apt at handling it and unlikely to be tempted by gambling or frivolous buys.

Home life is important to the Capricorn Ox, as it gives him a stable base from where he can build for the future. These are not particularly sociable personalities that like going out, and so relaxation periods will more often than not be centered around being indoors. These Capricorns are always thinking ahead and planning their next move. They prefer to make decisions on their own, but will be prepared to listen and consider other people's advice if it is offered. A Capricorn Ox does not generally believe in luck - they seem to assume that you make your own path to good fortune with perseverance.

A Capricorn Ox will search for soulmates that will help them with their ambitions and plans in life. These individuals are inclined to decide from a young age the things they want to achieve, acquire and aim for. It is almost impossible to change their decisions once they have set them in motion. If a Capricorn Ox finds a supportive and not too overly-sensitive partner, they will be appreciative, affectionate and protective towards them. These individuals are as determined to make relationships work as they are with their everything else in life.

The rigidness of the Capricorn Ox's outlook makes them sometimes so stubborn that they would rather lose out than give in. They can be far too obstinate for their own good at times, and have a tendency to sulk a lot, too. These little weaknesses in the Capricorn Ox personality do not usually bother anyone else. These negative traits can make these individuals angry with themselves, and this can in turn cause them to get stressed. They need to think a little longer before being so instantly dismissive of things. If they manage to do this, then their stubbornness and its resulting stress may lessen.

Capricorn Ox Personality Horoscope Image Capricorn Ox Personality Image

Comments: Capricorn Ox Horoscope

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Anita 2019-06-20 10:49:55
Im a Leo rabbit and Im dating a ox capricorn we have 7 months dating. I love him but he can be really hard specially with my two leo boys(10 and 4 years). He wants to work out our relationship but everytime I try he is mean to my kids, I have enough but breaks my heart because I do love him.
Jonykleko 2019-03-28 02:49:20
I’m a Cancer mouse, ascendent in Sagittarius, so I posses the ocidental ascendent sign of this Chinese animal and I’ve dated a true Capricorn Ox woman. She is exactly that, dominant and stubborn, clueless in romance, self confident, ambitious and reserved, as well as desliking commitment and being a strategic thinker and planner. The thing is, she is very demanding, she may be simple and introverted but she is just to cold and ruthless, as well as incredibly rational. During the relationship she only gave my an intense sexual drive, only desire and lust. The Capricorn Ox does not love, the maximum she could do is adoring her partner. They may be strong willed and determined, but the fact of ignoring someone else’s existence if someone does something she does not like is bad, she becomes blunt in her irritation due to her absolute stubbornness. She must learn to be emotional and prospective, knowing how to naturally improvise and not just carefully plan everything, but oh well, it’s in her soul to be this way
capricorn 2017-01-28 23:26:35
Capricorn needs to avoid Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, and Cancer.
Bekka2020 2024-04-09 21:45:14
Cancer gets along well with Caps
Optimistic 2018-01-22 02:20:52
Message from capricorn
Capricorn needs to avoid Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, and Cancer.

I am a female Aries Snake dating a male Capricorn Ox. We have a lot in common and spending time together so far has been truly enjoyable. He is very compassionate direct and honest about who he is and what wants.
I believe we bring out the best in each other. One day at a time and we will see where it leads us.
Gemini 2017-05-08 02:53:18
I'm a Gemini Tiger woman who is currently in a relationship with a Capricorn Ox man. Honestly we have our ups and downs but we love each other through it all because we both are loyal and Commited. No matter what the sign, if you work hard at the relationship it'll always work out
Carrie 2016-04-26 20:58:04
Spot on for me. I'm serious, a homebody,stubborn and very self sufficient. I couldn't handle being married because I'm just too independent and want things my way. I enjoy being alone and most people think I'm stuck up, but in reality I'm just shy and inward. I'm very loving however. If you become a friend, your one for life and I have a big heart. 🙂
j 2016-04-04 19:51:34
Seek Jesus and HE will solve all of your problems, nothing else will. God Bless.
Joe 2017-12-28 15:15:50
Take that as far as you can
Capricorn 2015-10-14 00:50:39
Capricorn has 5 signs to avoid which are Aries, Libra, Cancer, Aquarius, and Pieces. The Capricorn's best match are Taurus, Virgo, and Sagittarius.
MA 2017-03-07 10:42:52
Its so true - first husband was a Taurus, second a Virgo but my daughter is an Aries...She has helped soften me, made me stop and have fun, play a little more and be more sensitive.
Water ox 2015-08-10 20:41:00
Dear chic, I can sympathise, I'm a water ox too although I didn't want to believe it until a crazy earth horse forced me to accept it.

I can tell you that your water ox needs to appreciate what he has in front of him and perhaps you shouldn't have to try so hard to understand him, a relationship needs two people to invest equally for it to succeed.

I wish you health, happiness and success and hope he will realize how fortunate he is to have you love him

Xx water ox
chic 2015-07-05 04:59:02
have a boyfriend and he's a capricorn ox on the other side i'm a libran horse.. i find it so hard to understand him sometimes, he's full of pride and can't be tamed whenever he's angry, he;s not sweet and I feel like all the efforts came from me... it's hard and sometimes i want to give up but still im trying to understand him.. i hope someday he will love me the way i love him...
Libra Horse 2015-07-22 00:20:39
I don't mind to sound horrible but thats a horrible match. Ox and Horse don't mix...and either to Cap and Libra
Nick 2015-02-19 19:55:47
This actually is just like my best friend

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