Libra Ram

Libra Ram Horoscope

Chinese 🎐 Western

Horoscope combination

Libra born in Ram year Personality Horoscope

The Thoughtful Libran Sheep Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Libra made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Libra born during the Ram Year: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

Sheep are sociable creatures who are described as cautious and mindful personalities in Chinese astrology. People born in the Year of the Sheep are believed to acquire some of this creature's mild-mannered and thoughtful nature. Western astrology's Librans are characterized as having balanced, fair, kind and tactful traits. So, a Libran Sheep combination personality is naturally extremely caring and considerate of others. The over-cautiousness of the Sheep is usually barely present in these individuals, as the Libran Sheep can often be both decisive and occasionally impulsive.

Libran Sheep are very likable people who tend to look at life with optimism and take a keen interest in the world around them. They are observant, intelligent, alert and sometimes a little overly-sensitive. A Libran Sheep is neither sociable nor unsociable; they can take or leave the company, as they value their privacy and do not mind a bit of peace and quiet. They will enjoy jobs that can utilize their fine observational skills or make use of their care and consideration of others. In the home and in relationships, the diplomacy and respectfulness of these personalities help them achieve harmony.

These Librans are quite ambitious, but not too much; they will work hard to obtain the things they need or want. They are not greedy and are generally good with money, so they do not usually have many problems with budgeting. The Libran Sheep is a good friend and a fantastic listener. These characteristics form a strong foundation for all the Libran Sheep's friendships and personal relationships. The Libran Sheep's thoughtfulness makes them loyal friends, faithful, and highly supportive soulmates. They will be devoted and protective to those that they love and care about.

A Libran Sheep is good at making decisions, as they are inclined to give them a lot of thought beforehand. Their Libran traits make them weigh things equally, and so they are more likely to make good judgments. Sometimes, these people can do things without thinking first, but this is rare. It does not usually happen with important considerations, but more with little decisions like whether to buy something expensive or not. The Libran Sheep can be an impulse buyer, so it is often best to take a friend along on a shopping spree. They may be good at managing their money, but have been known to overspend every now and then.

Apart from their tendency to be a little impulsive on infrequent occasions, the Libran Sheep has one other little weakness. This is their habit of sometimes being so aware and caring that they forget about their own needs. They tend to take other people's problems on board and worry about them. If they take on too much, the Libran Sheep can quickly get stressed, and their normal equilibrium becomes unbalanced. They may be short-tempered if they do not regularly relieve the buildup of stress. To unwind these personalities, find pampering treatments, and a few quiet early nights in will often help. As they get older they learn to prioritize worries more.

Libra Ram Personality Horoscope Image Libra Ram Personality Image

Comments: Libra Ram Horoscope

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Ellen 2022-02-26 07:00:50
Here’s a true example of their character. 2 friends, in their thirties, friends since childhood. Don’t speak often(one lives in another country) but when they do, it’s meaningful.
One tells the other her parents are getting a a divorce. Libra ram offers to talk. She accepts, it’s a difficult time for her, she didn’t want to ask or burden her friend, so when Libra ram offered kindly, she was appreciative. She initiates a time to talk ( two time zones)
Libra ram never responds for weeks. When asked, if they didn’t want to speak anymore, or the subject made her uncomfortable, she replies they are too busy, moving out of apartment, the war is stressful in Ukraine blah blah. I want to believe Libra ram is sincere and is well intentioned, but they have a pretty good way of justifying in their kind that the other person is too needy, and puts asides the fact of tbe matter which is they never followed up. They are mean spirited in this way. They put their own interests first, and have a hard, brutal way of treating people who value them. They justify it in their mind that OTHERS are causing them an inconvenience. That’s just mean.
Elle 2022-02-25 22:33:23
Too true. I agree with all of what you said, especially that last sentence. Incredibly thoughtless, hard carapace, tough, mean, tried to be sensitive but really is not, at all. Incredibly selfish, self-centered. Thinks only from their own stubborn perspective and will argue it until there is no end. Inconsiderate. I believe they have well intentions, I try to at least.
Enzo 2019-08-21 18:28:39
I’m also a libra-Sheep. I’m definitely ambitious, and has no fear on losing a job that I don’t like, especially those people who I don’t like or get along, I easily leave them alone. Most certainly not, I always observe things around me and always thinks of many methods to clear up that hurdle, sad part, no one listens to me until it is too late. Conclusion even if they beg me in the end, I no longer accept their apology or request. Since it is concluded on what happened already. I’m also unsociable at mostly, I rarely have friends, because I choose those ones whom I can trust and believe to, once I confirmed their heartwarming and trustworthy behavior, that’s where I accept them as a true friend.
I also lie to people to make sure not to hurt them, but in return, I will be the one who’s hurt. Since their words are harsh and offensive, to the point I would want to commit suicide. Especially my mom’s relatives, even if they’re part of the family. I never apologize to them, since they will only throw a bigger rock at me by including dead serious hurtful words and depressing impression (I.e) “no matter, you’re a worthless child who has no brain, so it’s not even helpful to tell you.” That is an example how they reply to my ways of helping them. Never once have they praised me, which made me more lazier and sadden.
Nonetheless, to cope up with this underlying circumstances. I just visit the wonderful places like beach, mountain, or forest to lighten my mood. I also hangout there to take picture of things to draw, or I illustrate stuffs on those places that i like where it makes me calm and sincere.
Despite of me being able to adapt to things, my mom’s family is the worse... they’re harsh and unloving people... I wish I was with my dad and sister...
Nexux 2018-08-29 13:52:27
This really fit to libra metal sheep
Yanz 2017-12-25 03:45:41
im a libra metal sheep,no comment with this
Jim 2017-06-24 06:17:01
I am a libra ram and lot of what is said is true but I think that the time you were born can effect how you are because of that we're all different in some way.
Von 2017-01-15 23:55:10
I'm a Libran Sheep and am a champion procrastinator, hate routine, am often lazy, and usually impatient. I'm also picky, will argue with logic not anger, and stay calm in a crisis ( collapse in private). However I'm not selfish, self-centred or materialistic. Good points- loyal, other-centred, great listener, optimistic, can find beauty in the the most unlikely places and live to create all forms of art. Like everyone else on the planet, a mixture of the good and the not so good.
Tanea 2019-08-07 05:56:49
Wow. This is spot on a Libra man.
Guest 2015-08-04 20:29:07
That's funny. I once had a crush on a Libra Ram when I was in high school, but I'm the sign of an Ox and turns out I'm not compatible with these signs, but made a couple friends with Rams over the years and found them to be very funloving and artistic individuals. What gives Horoscopes?
Freya 2015-07-29 03:59:11
I am a libra ram myself. after i read this it was so true! Even the comments where amazing, as if the writers were right next to me watching my life and reading my mind
Tom 2019-01-05 05:55:35
My boyfriend Jacob feels the same way
Kara 2015-07-17 10:49:08
They are very artistic and have a great eye for detail, but they are also procrastinators. To the outside world they show an easy going personality, but to people close to them they show their true colors. Judgmental, mean, negative, harsh and lazy. They are very organized and clean people. Just very thoughtless when it comes to others.
Irene 2015-03-04 01:29:20
Is true that thei care only those whom they love. If it's not love the selfishness&self centered is so high that they want to control around those whom are -not -serving them. They not yelling but there is a saying that"the dog which bark dnt bite..."so their silence might say lot more then harmony. It can be that friends are more important then the life partner and believe it it's terrible.
Happy new year 2015-02-16 20:34:14
I don't know how other libra Rams are but I am an anxious and over-worried person. I plan everything a step ahead. It's killing me! I'm extremely good at seeing every sides of things, and have the ability to take pieces and put them together. I'm extremely visual and I think I have an X-ray vision ( haha). I prefer being anonymous in most situation ( typical ram trait). I do appreciate arts and beauty in every form. Anyways, getting to know a person is more than what the horoscope can describe so live real and be happy!

Dae Ma 2014-12-04 18:39:37
thoughtful only for themselves at the expense of others...
pure libra ram 2014-11-14 03:11:35
A Libra don't pick sides either they go with their wanting or that special believe inside them.
bbt 2014-10-28 02:54:40
My Libra Ram sister is the most self-centered self-serving quick-tempered person I know and is a terrible decision maker.
Tim 2016-05-15 09:10:06
Libra values harmony & balance. Obviously, her scales have been tipped leaving her cometely off-balance.
gemini-monkey 2014-10-17 21:45:43
My wife is close to these traits and I think she exhibits them to the outside world, but to me. She is not optimistic and has never been supportive of me, let alone highly supportive; however, something happened to her to cause stress, she has never relieved it and it has built up to cancer eating her away.
dr43 2014-09-25 16:56:16
The Libra Ram tends to prefer harmonious relationships so he will avoid conflict. It is difficult for him to say "no" as another commenter has written but I would agree that the Libra Ram can be self-centered as well. Altruism is not his strong suit.

But he favors beauty and has an eye for detail, can think outside of the box, and possesses strong intuitive power. It is not that he cannot handle being confronted but more, he asks that you tell him in a kind and peaceable manner. No yelling. That does not work. And always be sure to check in with him over his feelings. If you show you care, then that means the world to him.
libraram 2014-12-18 19:59:10
it's true libra ram don't like to hear yelling. I'm a libra ram and i see a person who needs to yell needs to attend anger management class. It's a misperception to think that you need to check with libra ram feelings before yelling... Yelling to Libra ram simply says inadequacy of communication. I would tell that person to calm the eff down and then speak to me. It usually piss him even more. lol
GS91 2014-08-21 14:27:48
The Libra Ram I know is a big "yes-man" who can't say "no" to prevent his own ego from being hurt and as a result, he causes trouble to everyone around him. Also he can become very self-centered because of it. So "thoughtful" isn't exactly 100% correct.

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