Libra Rooster

Libra Rooster Horoscope

Chinese 🎐 Western

Horoscope combination

Libra born in Rooster year Personality Horoscope

The Articulate Libran Rooster Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Libra made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Libra born during the Rooster Year: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

Of all the animals chosen to represent personalities in the Chinese astrological calendar, the Rooster is probably the most talkative. His articulate manner and high sociability are believed to be bestowed on personalities born in this year. In Western astrology, Librans are described as sociable and having excellent communication skills. So, a Libran Rooster personality is thought to be exceptionally clearly-spoken and eloquent. They love to talk and their words are usually well-chosen and skillfully articulated. All Librans are good communicators, but a Libran Monkey is especially expressive with his or her language.

These personalities are highly observant, and this helps them to seem to usually say the right things at the most suitable times. They have lots of patience and will wait for the best opportunities to speak. These individuals do not like to be interrupted when they are mid-flow in a conversation. The Libran Rooster finds this really annoying, and makes a point of not doing it to others. They adore talking, but are also fine listeners, who are thoughtful and non-judgmental. Libran Roosters make friends quite easily, and will most often be very loyal, reliable and supportive toward them.

The Libran Rooster's adoration of words and conversing usually plays some part in their choice of career. These people do not particularly enjoy manual work, and are often much happier in jobs where they use their nimble minds. A Libran Rooster gets great satisfaction from assisting others, especially with their knowledge or advice. They are also creative in other areas aside, from their facility with speaking. These personality types are often keen on designing and making things. Their homes and dress sense will sometimes give away little clues to their artistic and imaginative personalities.

A Libran Rooster tends to be a bit shy regarding romance and personal relationships. This is a situation where sometimes when they unexpectedly find themselves lost for something to say. When these people meet someone for the first time, they can be slightly reserved, especially if they are attracted to the person. Courtships may take a while to develop with soulmates, as the Libran Rooster prefers to take his time to open up to others. His perception and calmness help him not rush into relationships, or commit before feeling ready and completely sure. These are dependable partners who put a lot into partnerships, but expect the same in return.

Loving to talk a lot is not really a personality weakness, but it can cause the Libran Rooster a few problems. Under normal circumstances, their plentiful conversational tendencies are tolerable and part of their charm. However if the Libran Rooster is anxious about something, they can often become loquacious. Their conversation will change from clear and significant to babbling and trivial. The speed and volume of their talking will increase, and they will get in a real flap. Luckily, this weakness only surfaces rarely, and is soon reduced when these individuals’ anxiety diminishes. During these times, it is best to just let them prattle on and get it off their chests.

Libra Rooster Personality Horoscope Image Libra Rooster Personality Image

Comments: Libra Rooster Horoscope

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An aspiring gentleman 2022-01-30 21:58:52
I found this to be well accurate. I do not prefer to engage in extended, idle, or unpleasant coversation. I prefer speek honestly, carefully, and clearly. And prefer to behave calmly and slowly. Concerning affection; I do get gravely nerveous and shy, though because of such I may be unententfully rude to a small extent I am never judgemental and always kind and hospitable. When interacting with people and making any statement (including this one) I am shy (in this rare case, nervous) and very correct in manner. Post scriptum: I found the preveous comments informative and helpful. Thanks!
Brandon 2019-10-20 17:59:19
I'm a libra rooster. I typically don't talk a lot unless it's an interesting or engaging conversation. I listen to everyone, sometime briefly elaborating. If its idle chat I don't mind someone interrupting because it's a pointless conversation. If it's a debate or argument I can't stand being interrupted. I'm passive on a lot of thing, but if pushed I'm a a**hole and dont just make my point, but hammer it in.
Pelicana 2018-09-03 19:13:08
Im a Libra Rooster. I hate being interrupted. Whether ur a peer, a boss I hate interruption. I talk a lot except when I really like someone.
Fi 2017-08-13 19:08:23
I'm a Libran Rooster, dont talk lots, when I get going I do ..... I hate to be interrupted!!!X 🙂
Shelley 2017-03-15 01:47:20
Everyone hates being interrupted firstly because its rude, in EVERY starsign!

Im a Leo, Fire Horse!
Yes i know! It is wonderful!
Thank you very much!
Delany 2017-09-30 07:53:14
Message from Shelley
Everyone hates being interrupted firstly because its rude, in EVERY starsign!

Im a Leo, Fire Horse!
Yes i know! It is wonderful!
Thank you very much!

Lol! Spoken like a true Leo.
Garrett - Libra Snake 2017-01-12 00:51:04
I believe my child will be a libra and definitely a rooster. I am proud whatever the case, but a libra would be very nice.
chang 2016-12-26 09:46:46
im proud to be a libran
Kreative Mind 2015-07-29 08:14:37
For all my Liberian roaster. Its okay to be weird.
There is no such thing as normal. ( :
Tina 2017-02-12 17:51:57
I think Roaster and Rooster are two different things.
Clint 2015-11-10 06:36:24
There's no mistakes, only lessons.
Zinfandel 2015-06-10 03:42:28
Oh my this is soooooooo me!!!!
Jay 2015-04-24 02:51:13
I am one, and most of this is true, but I talk very little overall, and hate most social conversation. I do put a lot of value on communication though. I just don't say much unless it's something super interesting. On those rare occasions I can go on and on.
Jeinny 2015-03-18 04:19:15
My mom is a Libra Rooster and she never shuts up. My classmates made fun of me when they met her because one time when she took me to my baseball game, she was talking the other mothers' ears off the whole game and that was like 5hours or something and then when I invited my friends over to my house she didn't stop talking even when we were playing xbox and my friends didnt answer her. My friends decided they didn't want to stay over so my mom and I drove them home which was like 2 hours in the car. And all the way she was just talking, over and over. So they call her an energizer because according to them she just keeps on going and going. I feel angry when they make fun of her but my dad said it's true. I have 3 half siblings. My mom married 4 times, got divorced twice and annulled once. One kid on each marraige. I am from the 3rd and I stay with her usually on weekends. My dad said he left her because he couldn't take it anymore. He said when they were married he had nightmares about her rapping in his head. Then one day he asked her if she could just shut up for an hour. Then she talked some more but according to him, this time she was yelling profanities non stop. He thought that there was something wrong with her so asked her if she could bring her to see some shrink or something but she got more upset and she threw something at him and so he decided it's never gonna work, so he left. Now she's with another step dad and they have a 3 year old girl. My dad told me he already ran away once but he came back because of his daughter. My dad is giving him another 4-5 years. You see my dad divorced her when I turned 8. I am now 13. I love my mom but my ears don't.
Piscean fire dragon 2018-05-27 23:59:15
I’m so glad you could feel comfortable to relay your experience here. Disregard the other comments they clearly can’t let someone have a vent and tell thier story with out judgement. My mum is a Libran, thankfully she doesn’t talk too much she definitely is a great conversationalist and I never felt awkward with her in social situations, I learnt how to be social and open from her, without that I’d most likely have grown up to be a recluse!
markee 2015-07-30 23:37:26
way too much must get it from your Mother....
Kathy 2017-01-28 16:04:00
Message from markee
way too much must get it from your Mother....

Was thinking the same!

michelle 2015-02-13 03:52:08
I am a libran rooster and this was very accurate. When my anxiety is up I talk more if I am upset about something I tend to over do it at all angles. It's how my mind works. Shoots in at all angles.

Julio 2014-11-21 12:46:40
Lol, so funny and so true.

I married a Libran Rooster and I'm a Sagittarius Ox and it drives her crazy if I ever interrupt her and what drives gee even crazier is she majored in Communication.
jon 2015-02-07 03:47:15
I'm libran rooster and I hate being interrupted. Lol
coralyne 2016-02-22 20:14:45
I recently try to find my perfect mate.. and as a libra-rooster girl I found leo-snake quiet accurate.. what do u guys think ?

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