Libra Snake

Libra Snake Horoscope

Chinese 🎐 Western

Horoscope combination

Libra born in Snake year Personality Horoscope

The Fascinating Libran Snake Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Libra made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Libra born during the Snake Year: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Of all the animals chosen to represent personality traits in the Chinese astrology, the Snake is probably the most fascinating. He is clever, but careful; calm, but excitable; and serious, but witty. A Libran from Western astrology is believed to be a very fair and non-judgmental person. The Libran Snake individual is a brilliant mixture of all these character traits including the charm that is present in both astrological persona predictions. The Libran Snake is usually deceptively confident in their outward appearance and mannerisms. This hides their real inner personalities of deep thinkers with great sensitivity, high perception and intellect.

A Libran Snake generally has a sunny outlook on life and can communicate quite effectively with others. These people are not really shy, but they can act a little reserved in situations where they feel pressured. These individuals are not often prone to moods or sulking, and they seem to be able to pace themselves quite well. The Libran Snake is patient, and he or she will work hard towards goals. These personalities are not often particular in their choice of occupations; they are capable of and happy to do most types of work. Their combination of subtlety and wit make them great work companions.

Libran Snakes will most often take pride in their appearance, and some of them can be a little vain. Their sensitive side can make these Librans a bit self-conscious, so they like to look good. Other people seem to find the Libran Snake an interesting personality, but with these characters, first impressions are not always correct. You need to hear them speak before you can make an accurate assessment of these people. Their unusually varied and changeable characteristics can be misleading and make them sometimes appear aloof. It is only when you talk to them for a while that you realize how intriguing they are.

In a relationship with a Libran Snake, getting to know them will probably be a long, drawn-out process. They will attract your attention with their alluring appearance, and fascinate you with their intelligence, perceptive traits and humor. A Libran Snake has both a sensible side and a fun side to their personalities. Being sun sign Librans, the seriousness and silliness in their personality are usually of an equal mix. This balance is perfect for harmonious character traits in partnerships of any kind; they make these individuals flexible and considerate. Add this to loving and romantic, and you have some of the nicest partners in existence.

There is only one real weakness in the fascinating Libran Snake personality, and this is their proneness to tell white lies. Not all of these character types will have this tendency, but the potential to succumb to it, is there. A Libran Snake will not be inclined to tell real untruths, but they have been known to bend the truth. When they do fabricate or exaggerate things, it will be in a good-natured way. It will not with deception or the intention of hurting or upsetting anyone.

Libra Snake Personality Horoscope Image Libra Snake Personality Image

Comments: Libra Snake Horoscope

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qingqing zhao 2025-02-18 19:31:38
i tend to date geminis
Nutan 2019-09-29 12:57:23
I am Libra snake n I am dating cancer snake....Will it work?
Michael 2019-01-20 21:41:44
Ive been with a Gemini for 8 yrs, I'm a Libran snake and I feel in my soul she was sent to me even though we are opposite!
Lily 2018-11-03 09:41:07
I'm a Libra earth snake..
But I'm not that lucky upon having relationship.. 😃 hehe
Steph 2018-07-21 23:26:12
I am a libra snake born on 9/29/89 and have found my soulmate with a scorpio dragon . Have also been atteacted to mostly scorpios and aries througout life. I love reading all these comments and seeing who is compatible with who ! Peace to you all !!
Mishi 2023-07-02 09:51:46
I was born the same day as you and I also found my soulmate with a Scorpio. Most of my friends are Aries, so very interesting.
Parallels 2019-02-21 07:07:32
I just married my soulmate - a Libran Dragon - but I always, always ended up being incredibly attracted to Scorpios before. Incredible the parallels I’m finding here, but yours just stuck out to me! Hope all is well with you and your dragon! Lol, xo.
snake Andrew 2018-07-19 10:04:41
I been looking for my match I'm a male born September 26 1989 or should I just find me a female lol
Polot 2018-03-29 07:53:08
I'm a Leo Tiger that's madly in love with a Libra Snake...

Can't bring myself to tell her though. haha.
Sssss 2017-12-10 06:57:41
My fellow Libras: Do you always end up head over heels for a Scorpio? This has been a reoccurring issue in my life. I find myself extremely intellectual and physically attracted to someone only to find out they are always a Scorpio... which never ends well for me. I’m not a ‘cusper’.
To all my Libras! 2017-10-07 09:08:02
Shocking surprise this may be to you all... So not search compatibility profiling. The signs go much deeper than that. A Sagittarius is what I found to be our best match... Lol. Well that's what I have personally and then... I looked it up expecting to be disappointed with my findings. Nope! I loved it. Possibly The BEST match... In astrological zodiac. I been with mine since I was 14 years old. I turned 28 years old 5 days ago. Literally a relationship that lasted half my life. Watch out though. Nasty, nasty bite (attitude)... So even though we're in control don't push it. We are the CARDINAL sign too. SAG is mutable. We take lead in all as cardinals though. We are the air sign. Sag is the fire. Fire needs 3 elements to survive... and they are..Heat..Fuel..OXYGEN! That part I put together in my own without reading. I have a Sag-Rab... I have look at the moons. Libra is Lunar...

The Fire Triangle. Heat. A heat source is responsible for the initial ignition of fire, and is also needed to maintain the fire and enable it to spread. Fuel. Fuel is any kind of combustible material. Oxygen. Air contains about 21 percent oxygen, and most fires require at least 16 percent oxygen content to burn.
Mila 2018-02-23 00:35:52
Im a librans,born last september 9/65.what is my future of this year if wood dog
Anouk 2017-09-02 23:38:39
I love your comments! We are good people.<3
firesnake77 2017-07-31 09:41:30
Who would be the best partner for Me?

I'm a Libra snake October 7, 1977
max 2019-03-05 05:48:20
you would perhaps most be compatble with air or fire signs of ox rooster dragon not snake just to be exact you would probably get along great with ox: leo Sagittarius aquarius and rooster gemini leo Sagittarius.
A.R 2018-09-22 09:33:58
I'm also a libra fire snake (10-16-77), I would say either leo, sag., or scorpio as the 1st 3 choices, that I think we connect with most (especially if they are snakes also). Picses, Aquarius, gemini, & libra are also signs we connect with strongly.
Librafiresnake 2019-01-31 23:47:12
I have never once in my life gotten along with a Pisces. I also find Scorpios nothing but trouble.
Recently found another LibraSnake but can't bring myself to ask her out, lol
Kishan 2018-03-16 12:50:42
try people with rooster horoscope or ox or horse...
Libra snake 2017-10-20 16:53:10
I'm also a Libra snake Octover 7 but born on 1989 😃
Rabbit Ascendant 2017-05-17 18:21:14
So true! Though, I would say Libra Snakes do worry a lot about things they can't control. I've been with a Leo Dragon now for almost 15 years, which has been a rollercoaster. Tried 2 Roosters in the past but they always ended badly.

RILEY 2017-02-09 19:52:26
so who am I compatible with? o.o
Elias 2023-06-16 10:29:54
Wow same day 10/10/1965
Jay 2018-07-02 04:10:54
Best compatibility for a male libra fire snake are gemini women. Although we find beauty and attractivess in all women who are in shape. Lol
Librasnakewoman 2017-03-16 17:47:01
Scorpio dragon, aries rooster, Capricorn rooster, cancer ox, or aries horse.
Rach 2017-03-07 01:01:29
Same question here..
del french 2017-02-26 00:15:09
I a Libra Snake also,
Jane 2017-01-09 07:06:07
I am a libran snake...And yeah that's me.
Kaitlin 2016-12-31 02:57:58
I've never actually met another Libran snake woman, I'm not sure what would happen, I don't make "girlfriends very easy. Always wanted one but gravitated towards men mid teens.
Morgan 2017-09-05 07:06:17
One of the best matches for a Libra Snake is an Aquarius Monkey, that's my sign. I'm lesbian, are you as well? (;
Tia 2017-02-08 11:49:36
I'm one! I've never met another, and also have few gal pals. I find most women exhausting and needy. The above is totally me
Faith 2017-08-03 05:51:40
I'm a libra snake too! It's so weird knowing there are other women so similar to me out there
TAPAN MOHANTA 2016-08-15 03:34:54
Lisa Mac 2017-10-07 08:32:00
You are the Sagitarian Snake. Don't worry it'll be something really great too. All of us snakes are already great. Snake zodiac alone is known for their wisdom, patience aaand... yep...charm!
librasnakegirl 2016-06-22 14:49:36
Do anyone know the best compatibility for Libra Snake woman? I dated a Cancer Dragon man and it ended horribly.
oxariesboy 2016-09-09 06:50:04
i guess my type. what's your number (haha- just kidding)
Chritacia 2016-02-19 09:29:17
What an awesome personality ,i'm proud to be one
M 2015-11-05 20:57:17
I'm extraordinary like that!
D 2015-08-27 23:31:51
We are fantastic, aren't we?
Librian Fire Snake 2015-07-21 20:52:35
I know about Matt Bomer! He's the Librian Fire Snake! And he's gay! I love that! 😄
Jaycee 2015-06-10 15:37:25
I'm a Libran Snake who wouldn't want to be anything else.
Ed 2015-02-16 10:37:50
I'm glad that i am not one of those types that generate white lies.
icky 2015-02-04 04:12:36
yep you're right.. bend the truthjsut to make it sound more natural.. haha true true

Robert 2015-02-01 20:12:53
Sound very familiar
🙂 2015-01-09 15:33:56
I loved it. Yhouh I am a recluse I truly believe I live and enjoy life than most people!
Helen 2014-11-21 07:59:54
This was one of the accurate ones I've read. Thanks. This sounds like an advertisement doesn't it. Oh well. Enjoyed the read.

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