Pisces Horse

Pisces Horse Horoscope

Chinese 🎐 Western

Horoscope combination

Pisces born in Horse year Personality Horoscope

The Whimsical Piscean Horse Personality. Free Personality Horoscope for the Zodiac sign Pisces made with combination of the Chinese Astrology for Pisces born during the Horse Year: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

People born in the Chinese Year of the Horse are thought to gain some of this animal's hardworking, but carefree and playful nature. Chinese astrology depicts the Horse as a symbol of stability and common sense in a person's personality. In a Piscean Horse individual, this sensible but fun character mix is usually a little erratic and indecisive in their behavior. This makes these personalities well-balanced, but sometimes appearing to be too changeable and confusing in their ways. The combination of the Chinese Horse influence and the Fish presence from Western astrological traits creates responsible and whimsical characters.

A Piscean Horse generally has a lighthearted, positive outlook on life and they are for the most part bright and cheerful. These personalities have a good overall mixture of responsive traits that blend together well and help them make friends easily. The Piscean Horse has a reliable, trustworthy personality that handles responsibility with ease. They also have an excellent sense of humor and a love for conversation. These Pisceans are capable of working in a wide range of professions, but usually do not tend to stay in one type of job for life. This does not include parenthood, as they take this job immensely seriously and have all the best personality coping attributes that are required.

In relationships, the Piscean Horse is attracted to people who will help them maintain their optimistic approach. These individuals will tend to look for people who make them laugh and keep them with their feet firmly on the ground. A Piscean Horse can sometimes lose his or her sense of direction, so they appreciate partners that can pull them back and keep them focused. These people are deeply loyal, and equal give-and-take in their personal relationships is important to them. They are inclined toward indecision quite frequently, and seem to cope better when attached to a couple rather than when they are single.

The fun-loving Piscean Horse is often fond of sports activities and traveling when they have some free time. They also have a love for growing and making things, so their homes will usually be full of plants and things they have created. These Pisceans can have sophisticated tastes, and have an appreciation for good food and fine wines. They like to entertain friends at home, and will often offer to cook or organize girls or boys-only night in. The Piscean Horse makes a brilliant host, but will expect help with the tidying up afterward.

The Piscean Horse personality has a stable, realistic attitude the majority of the time, but they can be prone to dreaminess weakness. The Horse's down-to-earth traits usually mostly overtake the imaginative, sensitive, and less-grounded side of Pisces. In a Piscean Horse, these sensitive imagination characteristics remain in small amounts. Every so often, these dreamy traits put in an appearance and these particular Pisceans will become restless and changeable. They may become unpredictable, and their normally reliable persona may change from responsible to slightly irresponsible.

Pisces Horse Personality Horoscope Image Pisces Horse Personality Image

Comments: Pisces Horse Horoscope

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brad 2018-12-18 01:43:29
I am a pisces horse male, would I match with a cancer dog female, I have had 3 divorces, Gemini/tiger, Capricorn/snake, aries/pig, my best gf's have been scorpio, I think
UMmm 2022-12-09 17:01:16
#1. Stop getting married.
#2. It's you, not them. You're the common denominator.
Trent 2019-05-11 21:24:25
The best matches with a Pisces sun sign are Cancer and Scorpio. The best matches for a Horse are Dog & Tiger. Pisces and Gemini are not good matches but all in all, you got take it with a grain of salt since there are so many other signs of planets and houses to take into account. On a broad spectrum though, you and your new gal should be a great match. Hope this helps.
k 2019-02-03 12:02:35
I'm a Cancer Dog, my best relationship was with a Pisces Horse. deep connection and loyalty
Rie Desu 2018-12-06 15:23:19
You need to delve into the elements as well. A fire horse is nothing like a regular horse.
Wim 2018-07-05 12:31:10
Spot on but not working the gardening too much. Having said that i actualy have papaya mango advocado bananas passionfruit grenadeapple vigs and grapes growing in my garden. And something to smoke and other herbs and tea But its my other half (tiger gemini) who tend it most
Robin 2016-09-12 12:37:17
Me about to a T-
I have been married 20-plus years to a tiger-cancer and we have had tough times, but always been compatible via Chinese and zodiac horoscopes. We separated and I dated a Aries/oxen and was so hestiant to go any further because my "intuitive"'side knew it wouldn't work- hot and heavy in the love department- but not compatible with so many, to me, common sense things in life- and I felt there would me too much nick picking, which I dred just thinking about how draining that would be!!!
Julie 2016-12-31 15:39:10
Sometimes incompatible can become compatible I am a Pisces Horse and have been married to an Aries Ox happily for 43 years.
Joel 2016-04-06 18:10:32
Omg this is so me! How do you do it????
Jriley 2016-03-08 03:06:58
Yup I agree always been a dreamer sometimes accused of being in fantasy land.... And my partners generally are the stronger ones that keep me grounded.. My love and faithfulness is strong and i am a good father I think lol
jas 2015-08-29 15:34:48
This is totally spot on! I agree entirely about the 'prone to dreaminess weakness'. Sometimes it gets too overwhelming! How do we cope with that?
Susan 2015-08-18 03:21:48
My son is a Pisces horse. I like his zodiac. He will need a strong dog to rein him in and keep him steady. Well, my son will definitely fit in well with our family as we are all pretty crafty and like our unique craftsmanship and gardening. We enjoy hostessing others at our home. I'm hoping this environment is conducive to growing him up to fulfill the best he can be.
comment 2015-06-25 13:37:45
totally true 😉
Lizzie 2014-12-21 21:40:29
It's pretty much true about me 🙂
josh barlow 2014-10-23 01:00:30
Spot on about the food and gardening and alot of it well done

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