
Wood Dragon Personality Horoscope

Chinese 🐲 Astrology

Sixty-Year Cycle of Rebirth

Chinese Astrology Wood Dragon

Chinese Astrology Personality Horoscope for Wood Heavenly Stem and Dragon Earthly Branch of the Sixty-Year Cycle of energy Rebirth Calendar.

Being born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dragon imparts certain characteristics. Dragons are noticed when they walk into a room, whether they are deliberately looking for attention or not. A person born under the sign of the Dragon is very powerful and strong, and others can see that right away. Dragons usually amass a lot of formal power, for example by rising high in a company, but even without those trappings, most people will not hesitate to obey a Dragon.

A person born under the Chinese horoscope of the Dragon is a natural leader. They have powerful ideas, and quickly put them into action. Most Dragons do not stop to think things over, because they are brimming over with enthusiasm and energy. This Chinese horoscope sign is an omen of power and success, and Dragons tend to be successful, even when they jump into a risky venture without thinking.

The love life of someone born under the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Dragon is passionate and exciting. A Dragon is a very giving person, even though he or she can be rather ruthless in business sometimes. Although Dragons love fiercely, they are not likely to settle down in their youth, and may be heartbreakers.

Even with such a reputation, a Dragon will still be irresistible!

People who are Dragons under the Chinese horoscope are equally magnetic when it comes to business deals. It is difficult to avoid falling under a Dragon's spell when he or she is selling you on a new business opportunity. Luckily, it is very rare for a Dragon person to fail, so going along with a Dragon's plans is usually a good idea.

Each year of the Chinese Zodiac can be influenced by one of five elements. When a person born under the sign of the Dragon is tempered by the Wood element, he or she becomes more open and liberal. These Dragons have more questions than other Dragons, and they are more willing to listen to the answers. A Wood Dragon is likely to be in a powerful position, but be surrounded with expert advisors from whom he or she takes counsel on important matters.

Wood has a gentling influence, and Wood Dragons are not as proud as others under the Dragon Chinese Zodiac sign. This humility serves the Dragon well, because it leads him or her to seek advice before plunging right into a project. These Dragons have great imaginations, and add a lot of ingenuity to their plans. A Wood Dragon works hard to see things through to the finish, but also comes up with truly revolutionary ideas, which is a deadly combination for his or her competition!

Although Wood Dragons are willing to listen to other people's points of view, they can still be a bit pushy during arguments. It can be difficult to get a Wood Dragon to agree with you once her or she has taken the opposite stand, but try to respect that people born under this Chinese horoscope sign are often right, so perhaps it is you who should change your position!


Comments: Wood Dragon Horoscope

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Kit 2017-01-18 21:54:33
I worked closely with another wood dragon. Best time of my life! Wood dragons can be devoted. We don't want to be neglected.
SHARON SMITH 2016-12-13 10:03:51
I am a wood dragon the description is true we are flirts and we leave and are slow to commit but once we find the one yes we are faithful. However we did not mean to break hearts in the process of finding the true love of our life. we are lucky too.
Tracy 2016-08-10 07:32:36
I am a wood dragon and can see myself in this description of the traits, not all wood dragons are cheats or flirts as I have never been either of these things. I am very loyal once I am in a relationship and as a friend.
Kind regards Tracy
Witchee Angel 2016-01-28 13:15:37
It seems to me that you all forget that these are foundations/guide posts, if you will, not exact personality traits for every single wood dragon....each person has their own baggage that affects and either enhances or tempers traits...and some are just totally not in line with anything mentioned here....Yes, I am a wood dragon. I have never cheated on anyone. I made it a point to always end one relationship before I ever started being in another....that is not horoscope...that is simple courtesy and respect for the other person....one can't simply blame it on a person being a dragon if they lack these traits.
James, thailand 2016-01-01 22:14:56
Wood Dragons are awful flirts and don't mind a bit of something in the background as well as you so watch out...not sincere in love. Otherwise we got on really well personality wise.
Canleovir 2015-07-17 08:29:23
I am a metal dog and saw through my wood dragons B.S. after a short time. Huge liar. Funny not mentioned here.
Lady Water Dragon 2017-08-21 03:36:52
Dragon and dogs do not get along. Being a Dragon who has had two significant relationships with Dogs, I can attest to the fact. Dogs have sharp teeth , they can be very nasty . Dogs are very critical and they don't like dragons self confidence . Dogs feel compelled to bring the dragon down . They are jealous and territorial and don't like that Dragons find it easy to interact with others & to win friends and admirers. Dragons are passionate loving people and when they fall in love they are faithful . At least until you are put down and savaged verbally and otherwise .
Donna 2015-09-03 02:09:42
Dogs and dragons, arch enemies. Probably best to stay away from dragons in the future.
Joe 2015-07-25 14:04:24
It WAS mentioned...it states wood dragons will leave you! Evidently your wood dragon left you AGAIN!
Ann Cairns 2015-01-07 04:21:04
Your kind reading will be saved in my inbox, as a reminder. Thank you.
R. (Ann) Cairns

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