Zodiac signs Well
The Ram Zodiac Sign

The Ram

The 🐐 Ram Year

Personality Horoscope

The eighth animal who arrived was the artistic Ram.

Years of Birth: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

Ram Characteristics, Chinese Personality Horoscope of the Ram Zodiac Sign

The Ram, oddly enough, is thought to be the most feminine sign of the zodiac, perhaps because this is a very creative sign. The Ram is artistically talented and has a great sense of fashion. Chances are that this type will prefer to be a designer or painter, or go into the kind of profession where he can make the most of his gift for creating beautiful things.

These Ram people are considerate creatures - they think before acting, and are trying not to hurt somebody else's feelings. In case such occasion took place and ram person caused unforeseen problems, there are more chances he/she will step forward to rectify the situation. This certain side of their character usually not only helps them to maintain a healthy social life but enables them to deal with life's ups and downs.

It is very important to remember that sympathy is very important to these people and so is the approval of people they respect. However, they sometimes require too much attention and impose too much on those who are close.

Sometimes they are too sensitive for the real world, as they often have some trouble misinterpreting the situation. People born in this year are insecure. They need to feel loved and protected. They are easily drawn into complex predicaments. This being, so, they usually shy from confrontation, pull back when faced with heavy decision-making and blatantly refuse to take an unpopular stand in a conflict.

Rams are also wanderers by nature and are happy to set off on journeys to meet new people and to see the world. It is often the simple things in life that give them the most pleasure; a wonderful view, a beautifully created object or an inspiring piece of music will help these people feel happy and entranced. Such people can be lazy sometimes. If ram person has any choices, he/she would definitely choose to marry a wealthy person and sit back for the rest of his/her life. The urge to follow their inner instincts also reveals an obstinate streak, and this desire to find their dream can make them dissatisfied with their present possessions. Sometimes good opportunities do come their way but it is hard for such people to make a quick decision. Life's comforts are very important for these people and they hate to put them at the risk.

Ram Love Affairs

These people are very romantically sensitive, sweet and darling. In a relationship, they could be sometimes a little bit bossy and lazy, but with their gentle and caring nature, it will be hard to resist them.

On the weak side, we can say that people born in the year of the ram need to feel secure in love and if partner behaves coolly and unpredictably it can make the ram person feel very unsure of his/her partner. They are such emotional people that it is easy to move them to tears, although it is often hard to explain why they were crying. Moreover these people are often too shy to express their emotions, and as a result, they may miss good romantic opportunities. It is insufferably difficult for these people to approach a stranger and make conversation, and so they are more likely to meet a partner through friends.

They do not like to be obliged in a relationship. While these people are gentle and romantic, in need of protection, their creative spirit should not be suppressed. Some people may treat their absent-mindedness as thoughtlessness, but it is not in their nature to upset other people intentionally.

Ram Career

First of all, it would be right to say that, due to their indecisive nature, people born in the year of ram like to study the esoteric in order to know more about the unknown. They enjoy reading books about horoscope and fortune-telling. Therefore, there is nothing unusual if you find such a person working as an astrologer or a fortune-teller.

They possess a power to turn their fortune around - just when everything seems bleak, hopeless, and despairing something or someone turns up to help. They should avoid routine jobs or ones that demand continual focus attention on small daily problems. Rigid schedules make such people feel trapped, and their easy sense of timekeeping could land them in trouble in a strictly regulated job.

It is often that ram people have a flair for art and design and enjoy all kinds of creative work. The idea of having to fight for a position or compete with others induces worry and stress, so they should choose something that provides them with an element of freedom and peace.

👷 Ideal professions for the Ram Include:

Actor, Painter, Musician, Landscape gardener, Television presenter, Dancer, Escort, Investor, Shareholder. They are suited to a career in the arts, advertising or research.

⏳ The sign Ram Horoscope background:

Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 5, 12, 34, 45, 54

Equivalent Western Sign: Cancer

Element: EARTH


Yin/Yang: YIN


👸 Well known Ram Celebrities

Pamela Anderson, Jane Austen, Anne Bancroft, George Burns, Leslie Caron, Catherine Deneuve, Robert De Niro, John Denver, Mel Gibson, George Harrison, Julio Englesias, Buster Keaton, Mick Jagger, Sir Laurence Olivier, Vangelis, John Wayne, Bruce Willis, Debra Winger.

💑 Ram Compatibility with Chinese Zodiac Signs

Compatible with : Rabbit, Pig, Horse

Less Compatible with : Monkey, Snake, Rat, Dragon, Tiger, Ram

Least Compatible with : Ox, Rooster, Dog

☯ Positive and Negative Ram Personality Capabilities

Positive:The Ram can be appealing, altruistic, creative, empathetic, intuitive, generous, artless, gentle, romantic, sensitive, compliant, candid and self-effacing darlings.

Negative:The Ram can also be self-pitying, pessimistic, fugitive, parasitic, vengeful, lazy, indecisive, contentious, violent, capricious, irresponsible, tardy, careless, bigoted, nasty little pieces of work.

🐐 Horoscope 2027, forecast for the 2027 year of the Ram

The 2027 Chinese Year is the 44 number in the sixty-year cycle called TING WEI and described in Chinese tradition like "Lonely Ram". 2027 is the year of Fire Red Ram (Sheep, Goat). The upcoming 2027 year of the Ram is the inspiring period; it will try to leave behind any unstable affair and connections with the aim to carve a new more honest pattern of relations.

羊 Horoscopes for Ram

The Ram Zodiac Sign Chinese Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: The Ram Year Personality Horoscope

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mike 2017-01-04 10:20:04
ima a goat the greatest of all time a f*cking ram i trust people and get let down not anymre luckily i was blessed with a horse c*ck and i am 6 ft 2 so women like big c*cks
JT 2016-11-26 21:23:11
Yeah, nasty when we give our heart away to a filthy liar. People should treat us gently because we are gentle. But if you want to cross us then we can be a bit obsessive and that is because we give our heart away. Blame us if you like, but if you plan on being a nasty little piece of work then expect you will get what you give.
liz 2016-01-13 06:59:22
haha! nasty little pieces of work. couldn't agree more.

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