Zodiac signs Well
The Snake Zodiac Sign

The Snake

The 🐍 Snake Year

Personality Horoscope

The sixth animal who arrived was the philosophical Snake.

Years of Birth: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Snake Characteristics, Chinese Personality Horoscope of the Snake Zodiac Sign

The person born in the year of the snake is the wisest and most enigmatic of all. He/she can become a philosopher, a theologian, a political lizard or a wily financier. Such person is a thinker who also likes to live well. The snake person loves books, music, clothes, and fine food; but with all his fondness for the good things of life and his innate elegance gives him a dislike for frivolities and foolish talk.

They like communicating and like interesting conversations, although if the conversation becomes repetitive their attention may soon wander. It is almost impossible to fix their attention for long talking about the weather. They prefer to focus on new, interesting, and unusual ideas as well as intelligent discussion in general.

These people have a special feeling that enables them to judge situations correctly and so they are alert to new possibilities and when they have an idea of what to and how to do it, they pursue it persistently and energetically. These people are self-confident and don't usually bother themselves listening to someone else's opinion. But this side of their character has also a negative load. Refusing to listen to constructive advice, they may get into needless trouble. Although it is difficult for such people to take advice, they are patient with others when it comes to providing a helping hand, and their ability to look at a problem from a variety of angles is extremely appreciated. When faced with a dilemma snake people, as a rule, act with speed and conviction, since they believe intensely in what they are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects lacking in good potential.

It is important to remember that life is not purely work and competition. Snake person perfectly knows how to wind down and relax when such an opportunity arises. This type of person often makes protective and caring friends. However, their anger can be quickly aroused, and they will soon retreat if there is a suspicion that someone has taken advantage of their trust or has hurt those close to them.

Snake Love Affairs

In love, the male snake is romantic and charming. He possesses a sense of humor while the female is usually beautiful and successful. In case person born in the year of the snake chooses a partner, he/she will be jealous and possessive. Even when the relationships are left behind, this possessiveness will be clouding the snake's life. Rejection is the worst thing that can ever happen to the snake person. Such people must be received, welcomed, accepted and approved by those with whom they come in contact. Generally, they need a lot of security.

It often happens that snake people have one set of rules for themselves and one for their partner and this side of their nature can become a basis for misunderstandings in the future. But, when they are really romantically involved these people are also loving and attentive, stimulating and playful, though it takes time for them to get over their fears and discuss their weaknesses. The best partner for a snake type person is someone who would give him freedom, but it is also important for him to feel secure and adored.

Snake Career

In money matters, people born in the year of snake have good luck; they don't have to worry about money too much, such people will always be able to find a couple of banknotes if they need it. The snake person has an ability to read complex situations quickly and then set about resolving them in a quiet, controlled manner. It is much more convenient and useful for these people to work independently because in this case, they have the freedom to travel and negotiate on their own terms. The snake people cannot stand being limited by others, which is another reason for them to work solo. People born in this year are logical and organized workers and have all the qualities needed to acquire new skills. They also have a very good memory that enables them to fulfill their projects thoroughly. They are purposeful at getting towards their aim spotting potential troubles and reacting immediately. On the other hand, should they have achieved their goal, the snake people usually withdraw to gather their thoughts and rest. But they need not much time to renew their energies and be ready for new challenges.

👷 Ideal professions for the Snake Include:

Professor, Linguist, Teacher, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Astrologer, Clairvoyant, Personnel officer, Public relations executive, Interior designer.

⏳ The sign Snake Horoscope background:

Lucky Numbers: 1, 2, 4, 6, 13, 24, 42, 46

Equivalent Western Sign: Taurus

Element: FIRE

Color: RED

Yin/Yang: YANG


👸 Well known Snake Celebrities

Kim Basinger, Randy Crawford, Bob Dylan, Greta Garbo, Art Garfunkel, Audrey Hepburn, Paul Hogan, Liz Hurley, Carole King, Dean Martin, Robert Mitchum, Mike Oldfield, Ryan O'Neal, Dorothy Parker, Brad Pitt, Brooke Shields, Paul Simon, Dionne Warwick, Oprah Winfrey, Virginia Woolf, Susannah York.

💑 Snake Compatibility with Chinese Zodiac Signs

Compatible with : Ox, Rooster, Dragon

Less Compatible with : Rat, Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Dog, Ram

Least Compatible with : Pig, Monkey, Tiger

☯ Positive and Negative Snake Personality Capabilities

Positive:The Snake can be amiable, compromising, fun-loving, altruistic, honorable, sympathetic, philosophical, charitable, a paragon of fashion, intuitive, discreet, diplomatic, amusing and sexy.

Negative:The Snake can also be self-righteous, imperious, judgmental, conniving, mendacious, grabby, clinging, pessimistic, fickle, haughty, ostentatious and a very sore loser.

🐍 Horoscope 2025, forecast for the 2025 year of the Snake

The coming 2025 year of the green Snake is going to be astute in observations and deft in actions. The Snake symbol of the 2025 year is an active, snaky and has a very seductive nature. The 2025 Snake of Yi Szu year has ability to read complicated situation quickly in a controlled manner which is good for business. But 2025 Snake need to watch for fanatical commitments since Snakes inclination to spend money quickly than earn them may produce tensions in personal relationships.

蛇 Horoscopes for Snake

The Snake Zodiac Sign Chinese Zodiac signs Well

Zodiac sign


Comments: The Snake Year Personality Horoscope

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Irene 2016-11-20 01:15:54
The explanation & description were completely accurate
Snake is the real master! 2016-05-04 19:07:56
The Snake enjoys a very high reputation in Chinese culture. Chinese people regard themselves as descendents of the snake. In ancient China, this imaginary creature was thought to speed across the sky with divine power. It is the token of authority, dignity, honor, success, luck, and capacity. Emperors entitled themselves exclusively as 'snake'.

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