Tropic of Capricorn
A "Small Circle" 23?°27' South of the Earth's Equator where the Sun reaches its highest declination...
Tropic of CapricornTropical Signs
Cancer and Capricorn because the Sun reaches the Tropics as it enters those signs. ...
Tropical SignsTropical Year
The time between successive passings of the Sun through the Vernal point. 365 days 5 hours, 48 minut...
Tropical YearTropical Zodiac
1. The coordinate system which measures Celestial Longitude eastward along the Ecliptic, beginning...
Tropical ZodiacTrutine
Ptolemaic formulae. For example, the trutine of conception states that at the time of conception the...
TrutineUnder Duress
Horary astrology When a significator is besieged by two malefics within tight orbs....
Under DuressUnder the Sunbeams
Horary Astrology. When a significator is within 8.30 degrees and 17 degrees of the Sun. Anthony Loui...
Under the SunbeamsUniversal Time
Is the time at the longitude of Greenwich Observatory in England. It comes in several flavors: UT0, ...
Universal TimeUpper Culmination
Same as upper meridian - the point at which any given heavenly body or point reaches its highest poi...
Upper CulminationUranian Planets
One of the eight planets "discovered " by Witte, a German Astrologer of the WW-I period, in conjunct...
Uranian PlanetsUranian System
Also known as the Hamburg school. Developed by Alfred Witte....
Uranian SystemUranus
Major planet - the first of the planets not visible from earth with the naked eye. Discovered by Sir...
UranusUrsa Major
The Big Bear, third largest of the 88 constellations with seven stars. In America they are called th...
Ursa MajorUrsa Minor
Little Bear. Constellation near Ursa Major, contains the star Polaris. The whole sky seems to rotate...
Ursa MinorVenus
(and Mercury) Because of Regular Retrograde motion these planets sometime appear in front of or behi...
VenusVernal Equinox
That time of the year when the Sun crosses theEquator, going North. This occurs in the Spring, aroun...
Vernal EquinoxVernal Point
The beginning of measurement of right ascension on the celestial equator or of celestial longitude o...
Vernal PointVertex
Astrologically, the point defined by the western intersection of the prime vertical and the ecliptic...
A Ptolemaic term. A tern describing a planet setting just after the sun. Opposite of Matutine....
VespertineVia Combusta
The region from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio, considered a malefic zone. The Southern Stre...
Via CombustaVigintile
Also called Semidecile. An aspect of 18 degrees. ...
Sign of the zodiac identified by the Sun's transit between approximately 23 August and September 22 ...
VirgoVoid of Course
A planet is Void of Course when it no longer makes a major aspect (0, 60, 90, 120, 180 degree aspect...
Void of CourseWar Time
Adjustments made to time during World War 2. ...
War TimeWater
In modern Tropical Astrology (i.e., post- Ptolemaic times) One of the four elements. Water is associ...
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