An ancient form of house rulership about which the literature is contradictory. Joy is used in horary astrology. Houses where planets traditionally most 'enjoyed' occupying. Venus rejoices in the 5th house, Saturn rejoices in the 12th. The Moon has joy in the 3rd, the Sun in the 9th, Mercury in the 1st, Mars in the 6th, and Jupiter in the 11th. The traditional list is as follows: first house, Mercury; no planet enjoyed the second house; third house, the Moon; no planet enjoyed being in the fourth house; fifth house, Venus; sixth house, Mars; no planet enjoyed being in the seventh house or eighth houses; ninth house, the Sun; none for the tenth, although the Sun and Jupiter were said to do well there; eleventh house, Jupiter; and twelfth house, Saturn. Saturn, for example, enjoyed being in the twelfth because it reveled in misery; Venus enjoyed the fifth because it liked an environment of love. Planets can "rejoice" in each other by occupying different but related houses. Thus the Sun, Jupiter, or Mars would joy when any of the three occupied a house relating to fire (1, 5, 9). Planets could also rejoice in each other by virtue of shared nature; for example Mars and Saturn mutually enjoy their malefic natures, Venus and Jupiter their benefic natures.
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