1 The smaller of the dihedral angles formed by the intersection of the orbital plane of one body wit...
InclinationInferior Conjunction
Conjunction of an inner planet with the Sun, when the planet is between the Earth and the Sun. In ...
Inferior ConjunctionInferior Planets
The minor planets, those whose orbits are within that of the Earth: viz.: Mercury and Venus. v. Plan...
Inferior PlanetsIapetus
In Greek mythology, a son of Uranus and Gaea. Father of Atlas, Epimetheus, Menoetius, and Prometheus...
In Greek mythology, the mountain on Crete where Zeus spent his childhood....
IdaIgneous rock
Rock solidified from a molten state....
Igneous rockImbrium
Mare Imbrium - Latin for "Sea of Rains"....
In Greek mythology, a young woman seduced by Zeus, who then transformed her into a heifer to protect...
In Babylonian mythology, goddess of love and war. Ruler of the Moon, as well as the morning and even...
A Greek island, home of Odysseus....
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