Category: Meditation
We astral split every time the physical body goes to sleep. The problem is that we're typically not conscious of the process. We just hit the pillow and blackout.
Almost instantaneously, the subconscious elements within us begin projecting their fantasies onto the "screen" of the astral. We call these dreams.
So, if we're in a dream, we're already in the astral, but most likely embedded in a lot of illusion being drummed up by the subconscious.
If we learn to recognize when this is happening, we can simply knock it down (or ask our Divine Mother to do it for us). Then we're able to experience the shared reality of the astral plane.
A good way to recognize when you're dreaming is by setting psychological triggers.
Many, many times throughout the day, you should stop and ask yourself, "Hey, am I dreaming right now?" To be sure, try to jump up and fly, stretch your finger out like a piece of rubber, or put your hand through a nearby solid object.
The key is to question sincerely. At any moment, you could be sleeping. Think back to five minutes ago. What were you doing? Does it make sense? Was there anything odd taking place? What about now? What is wrong with the place you're in? Is there something peculiar happening? Who is that person you're talking to? Why are you talking about this-or-that thing? Is there anything odd about them? There eyes funny? Are they especially tall? Do I even know them? Aren't they supposed to be dead? Etc.
Always seeing things new like this is very difficult. However, it will make waking up in dreams a lot easier if you take the practice seriously.
Also, you can change the way you go to sleep. Instead of letting the mind wander until sleep arrives, focus on an object of some sort. I like to use particular mantras and my heartbeat, but any object will do.
Different mantras produce different psychological effects. Two that will help astral travel are the mantras "O" and "La-Ra-Ss."
You should perform them in a comfortable position, with your eyes closed. Keep in mind, you must be able to fall asleep in order for the split to occur.
The mantra O is relatively straight-forward. Vocalizing this mantra aloud for up to an hour a day is a great way to increase the faculty of intuition, which will allow you to interpret your dreams and even make daily decisions in a much more efficient manner. The mantra will also help your ability to astral split consciously. Personally, I don't use this one during the astral projection practice.
The mantra La-Ra-Ss is very potent. This is the one I first had success with, and I was a total sceptic! It was really shocking to feel my heart practically beating out of my chest like that.
How to --
Inhale, Exhale Laaaaaaaaaaaa (as in law)
Inhale, Exhale R-r-r-r-r-raaaa (trill the R)
INhale, Exhale Ssssssssssssss (like a snake)
Pronounce it out loud a few times and then continue mentally until sleep arrives. Then you will split into the astral. It's as easy as that. Of course, it is always sounds easier than it actually is, but in theory, it is that simple. :)
Hi, Kat!
When I'm making the effort at lucid dreamin, my old stand bys are
1: looking at my hands. it takes a couple of days to get into the habit but the awareness that comes with it is enough to make me realize I'm dreaming when I do it in a dream.
2: as you said,just asking if I'm dreaming at the moment. Again, takes a few days but is very effective. This one has the added effect that when I am awake when I ask this, I usually have a few moments of waking, lucidity, that is I believe mindfulness in the Buddhist sense. Either way, it's a wonderful experience.
All the best!
This is my first time hearing a new tecnique of how to enter the astral plane. I have tried to perform an astral split before but just as i feel im about to i either loose consentration or i just get to excited and come out of my "sleep". What can i do to just keep calm?
One night when i was about twelve i tought myself how to project my thoughts in front of me.
First I layed down in my bed and tried to relax to the point were i was almost half asleep.
I would then look into a dark area or corner of the room and concentrate on it. At first i would blink and the light areas would come back but eventualy i could turn the entire room dark with my eyes open. After doning this i could look anywere, even while blinking, and see my thought
As I did this the dark area started to spread outward from the dark spot. At first i would blink and the room would become light again, but eventualy i could make the whole room turn dark. After enough of the room was black i could visualize something in my mind and just as i visualized it, it would appear in the black area.
It is usualy easy to come out of this sort of trance and sometimes i would try to move my body but i couldnt even feel it. I am fifteen now and i can now do this in even a brightly lite room(it just takes a little longer, usually about twenty minutes)
Does this thought projection have anything to do with the astral plane?
I am interested in trying the La-Ra-Ss mantra but what sound do you make when exhaling Ra?
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