I was wondering if anyone here has experience with opening chakras- because I still consider myself a newbie at it, since I discover something new every single time I open up a center.
I have read that chakras have a backside - in other words, not only do you have 7 energy centers down the front side of your body - but 7 on the backside as well. I wouldn't say these centers are separate, the front seem to correspond to the ones on the backside- they are linked together.
Up until this point, I never opened a backside chakra before, so I was a little doubtful in their existence...until last night. I was laying on my stomach, when I "woke up" from sleep - although I really think my consciousness awoke, yet I was observing myself sleep. I concentrated on the brow/crown area, and surprisingly that backside center opened up. I'm guessing I opened up the crown, based on what happened. It was the most amazing feeling, it felt like rain drops were falling on me, streaming down me, all coming from the top of my head. And what was even cooler, when it stopped, I could make it start back up again.
This was a very neat experience. When I open the crown from the front side (while laying on my back) - it always feels like a massaging feeling...but from the back it's completely different, like laying down in the rain.
Geez, I would really just like to find someone that has experience with opening these centers - I guess I would just like to know what this energy work does for the physical body- cuz it feels so wonderful, I must be doing something good for myself?!
The World Of Inner Self
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