Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Ivy, Ivory, Itch, Island, Ironing, Iron, Invite, Inventor
Dreaming of ivy signifies excellent health, fortune growth, and joy. For a young woman, it foretells prestigious recognitions and secret romantic encounters. Withered ivy symbolizes failed commitments and sorrows.
Dreaming of ivory symbolizes prosperity and unadulterated joy. Viewing large ivory pieces forecasts considerable financial success and pure pleasure.
Dreaming of experiencing or seeing itchiness suggests fear of failure but promises success, signifies unjust treatment and self-defense, and indicates displeasing tasks ahead.
Dreaming of an island symbolizes journeys, prosperity, and marriage, or conversely, loss and strife. Its appearance portends comfort after struggle, while seeing people suggests ambitions for social elevation.
Dreaming of ironing symbolizes domestic comfort and order, but variations like burning hands or clothes suggest illness, jealousy, and rivalry, while cold irons hint at a lack of affection.
Dreaming of iron symbolizes distress, mental perplexities, selfishness, cruelty, unjust wealth accumulation, dubious success, poverty, disappointment, fluctuating fortunes, and misapplied energy resulting in failure.
Dreaming of extending or receiving an invite suggests upcoming unpleasant events or sad news, contrasting with otherwise pleasant expectations or environments.
Dreaming of an inventor or inventing something suggests imminent success, unique achievements, and honor. It indicates aspirations for fortune, with successful realization of your plans.
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