Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Fables, Eyeglass, Eyebrows, Execution, Exchange, Exile, Explosion, Evergreen
Dreaming of fables predicts enjoyable activities, literary interests, romantic experiences for the young, and increased spirituality when the tales are religious in nature.
Dreaming of eyeglasses suggests struggles with unpleasant friendships and foreshadows difficulties in romantic relationships for a young woman seeing her lover wearing them.
Dreaming of eyebrows suggests imminent challenges with potentially harmful intents.
Dreaming of witnessing an execution suggests misfortune due to others' neglect. Dreaming of your execution with a miraculous save indicates triumph over adversaries and achieving prosperity.
Dreaming of an exchange signifies beneficial business transactions. A young woman swapping sweethearts with a friend should consider this a hint for better romantic fulfillment.
A woman's dream of exile suggests she'll undertake a trip disrupting a planned event or enjoyment.
Dreaming of an explosion indicates temporary discontent and loss due to others' actions, unjust accusations of indiscretion, business dissatisfaction, social strife, and betrayal by trusted friends.
Dreaming of evergreen trees symbolizes abundant wealth, happiness, and knowledge, representing an optimistic omen of prosperity for people from all walks of life.
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