Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Being Drunk, Drouth, Dropsy, Dromedary, Drinking, Dressing, Draw-knife, Dram-drinking
Dreaming of being drunk indicates potential irresponsibility leading to loss, disgrace, or risky behavior, but it can also symbolize success in trade, love, and literature.
A dream of drought signifies conflict, disaster, family strife, sickness, and personal troubles.
Dreaming of dropsy signifies temporary ill health leading to revival, while seeing others with dropsy predicts news of the absent's well-being.
Dreaming of a dromedary suggests forthcoming unexpected favors, nobility in handling new privileges, and a generous spirit. For lovers, it predicts harmony.
Dreams of joyful drinking suggest a woman may indulge in damaging activities despite current enjoyment; being unable to drink clear water means missing subtle pleasures.
Dream difficulties with dressing symbolize external hindrances affecting leisure and timely pursuits, advising reliance on personal endeavors for success and satisfaction.
Dreaming of a draw-knife symbolizes unrealized goals and anticipations, hinting at potential disappointment from apparent opportunities that fail.
Dreaming of dram-drinking suggests conflict over minor possessions, while ceasing this habit indicates overcoming current obstacles and achieving prosperity.
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