Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Danger, Dark, Damask Rose, Damson, Daisy, Dagger, Cymbal, Custom-house
Dreaming of imminent danger indicates potential for significant achievement if survived, but failure and frustration in business, home, and love if not.
Dreaming of darkness symbolizes difficulties and potential failure in endeavors, particularly if it persists during a journey. If sunlight appears, challenges may be surmounted. Losing loved ones in darkness suggests emotional tumult.
Dreaming of a blooming damask rosebush predicts family weddings and fulfilled aspirations; however, roses worn or received can signify deceit or seasonal love.
Dreaming of damson trees with purple fruit predicts wealth; eating damsons portends sorrow.
A dream of daisies foretells sadness; unless blooming in a sunny, song-filled field, implying happiness, health, prosperity.
Dreaming of a dagger signifies adversaries; successfully disarming one suggests overcoming opposition and adversity.
Hearing a cymbal in dreams predicts the passing of an elderly acquaintance and ensuing sadness despite sunny circumstances.
Dreaming of a custom-house suggests professional rivalry; entering one implies obtaining a long-coveted role, while exiting predicts a loss of status or missed opportunities.
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