Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Corkscrew, Cornmeal, Cooling Board, Cork, Cotton, Counter, Corn Field, Cotton Cloth
Dreaming of a corkscrew points to unfulfilled desires and cautions against dangerous whims. Breaking a corkscrew suggests the presence of peril, necessitating self-control to avoid harmful tendencies.
Seeing cornmeal in dreams predicts the fulfillment of intense desires, whereas consuming cornmeal bread suggests self-sabotage hindering personal progress unwittingly.
Dreaming of a cooling board suggests illness, lover's strife, and troubles connected to a living person interpreted favorably. Seeing a deceased brother rise indicates preventable complications with effort.
Dreaming of corks relates to prosperity, happiness, and success, but also to sickness, annoyances, and warnings. Banquets, medicine, fishing, and bottle corking carry different symbolic meanings for the dreamer's future.
Dreaming of cotton symbolizes business success and prosperity. Growing fields indicate good times, ready cotton signifies farmer's wealth, and bales point to improved conditions.
Dreaming of counters predicts a life filled with active pursuits, while soiled, empty counters warn of troubling commitments threatening one's stability.
Dreaming of a lush cornfield indicates prosperity, success, and harmony. Ripe corn signifies fame and wealth, while blasted ears foreshadow disappointments and loss.
Dreaming of cotton cloth signifies comfortable living and stability, while young women weaving it may anticipate a resourceful spouse and married individuals, a cozy home.
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