Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Counterfeit Money, Corset, Copper Plate, Cooking Stove, Credit, Cream, Crawl, Cremate
Dreaming of counterfeit money signals issues with a problematic person, representing universally negative outcomes, whether dealing with or distributing the fake currency.
Dreaming of a corset suggests confusion about interpreting others' actions. A young woman struggling with a corset may indicate a tendency towards unnecessary disputes with friends.
Dreaming of a copper plate symbolizes potential disagreements leading to unhappiness within a family.
A cooking stove in a dream suggests interference preventing discomfort. For young women, it warns against premature gratitude for affections, risking valuable friendships.
Dreaming of asking for credit suggests worry despite occasional optimism, while offering credit warns of misplaced trust potentially leading to harm.
Dreaming of cream symbolizes wealth in business, successful farming, pleasing family dynamics, personal good fortune, and for lovers, a sign of impending union and happiness.
Dreaming about crawling signifies potential humiliation, missed opportunities, and respect loss, with variations including injury, rough terrain, or mud marking business troubles, disrepute, and criticism from others.
Dreaming of seeing cremation indicates diminishing business influence due to adversaries. Believing oneself to be cremated suggests failure if not trusting one's own business judgment.
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