Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Courtship, Country, Counting, Counterpane, Countenance, Counselor, Cotton Cap, Cossack
Women dreaming of courtship face inevitable disappointment, while men's dreams of courting suggest unworthiness for a partner.
A dream of a lush, fertile country heralds prosperity and success, while barren landscapes foretell hardship, famine, and illness.
Dreaming of counting happy children suggests easy parenting with successful offspring. Counting money predicts financial stability, while counting for others portends losses.
Dreaming of a clean, white counterpane signifies pleasant endeavors for women; soiled versions predict stress and potential illness.
Dreaming of a beautiful countenance predicts upcoming pleasure; an ugly visage suggests negative experiences ahead.
Dreaming of a counselor reflects self-reliance in judgment and abilities, advising caution in acting upon one's convictions.
Dreaming of a cotton cap signifies the presence of many genuine friendships in one's life.
Dreaming of a Cossack suggests personal humiliation due to reckless extravagance and immoral behavior.
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