Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Corpulence, Corner, Corns, Convention, Coronation, Cornet, Coral, Copying
Dreaming of corpulence suggests wealth accumulation and joyous living. Observing others' corpulence predicts prosperity and high activity levels. Self-viewed corpulence in dreams warns to monitor one's morals.
Dreaming of hiding in a corner signifies fear and seeking protection, while observing others conversing there suggests hidden enemies and potential betrayal by a friend.
Dreaming of painful foot corns suggests adversaries and distress. However, clearing corns predicts a substantial, unexpected inheritance. For a young woman, corns symbolize burdens and indifferent treatment by women.
Dreaming of a convention predicts business activity and romantic commitment. A negative experience signifies disappointment.
Dreaming of a coronation suggests future associations with notable individuals. For a young woman, involvement may lead to unexpected favor with the elite, unless the dream feels unpleasant, signaling disappointment.
Seeing or hearing a cornet in a dream suggests receiving friendly gestures from unfamiliar people.
Dreaming of colored coral signifies lasting friendships and support, while white coral suggests betrayal and caution in love matters.
Dreaming of copying suggests that established plans may backfire, and for a young woman, replicating a letter indicates biases affecting judgment due to affections.
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