Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Coppersmith, Copper, Conjuring, Conjurer, Conscience, Conspiracy, Conflagration, Consumption
Dreaming of a coppersmith indicates modest earnings from one's work but also suggests a sense of satisfaction with the outcome.
Dreaming of copper suggests experiencing pressure or control from higher-ranking individuals.
Dreaming of conjuring suggests control dynamics, with negative outcomes when controlled and positive when in command, cautioning young women of danger and predicting general anxiety.
Dreaming of a conjurer predicts difficulties in seeking wealth and joy.
Dreaming of your conscience scolding you suggests caution against wrongdoing. A peaceful conscience in dreams indicates a respectable reputation.
Dreaming of being targeted by a conspiracy predicts poor decision-making in managing your life's matters.
Dreaming of a conflagration symbolizes transformative changes ahead that will benefit your well-being and personal satisfaction, provided no harm comes to anyone within the dream.
Dreaming of having consumption warns of self-exposure to risk. It suggests the importance of staying within a supportive circle of friends for safety.
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