Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Contempt, Convent, Convicts, Confetti, Confectionary, Concubine, Composing, Complexion
Dreaming of court contempt implies unearned social or business criticism; experiencing others' contempt suggests eventual esteem and happiness, unless the contempt is deserved, signaling possible ostracization.
Dreaming of a convent symbolizes seeking peace and freedom from troubles, but encountering a priest suggests continued struggles with worldly worries and mental stress.
Dreaming of convicts signals impending trouble or distressing news. Being a convict in your dream suggests anxiety over issues that will eventually be resolved.
Dreaming of confetti blocking your view warns of potential loss due to prioritizing pleasure before duty and responsibility.
Dreaming of tainted confectionary suggests betrayal, with a false friend unearthing secrets that could benefit your rivals.
Dreaming of a concubine warns men of potential disgrace and women of self-degradation. Unfaithful mistresses in dreams suggest enemies and upcoming setbacks.
Dreaming of a composing stick indicates encountering challenging problems and significant efforts needed to resolve them.
Dreaming of completing tasks or work symbolizes early success and freedom in life choices. For young women, it suggests impending marital decisions.
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