Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Completion, Companion, Committee, Commerce, Command, Commandment, Comic Songs, Comet
Dreaming of completing tasks or work symbolizes early success and freedom in life choices. For young women, it suggests impending marital decisions.
Dreaming of a spouse indicates minor worries and potential illness, while social companions suggest distractions from responsibilities with trivial activities.
Dreaming of a committee implies unexpected disagreeable tasks ahead. Being waited on by one signals futile efforts in upcoming endeavors.
Dreaming of engaging in commerce symbolizes shrewd management of opportunities, while visions of commercial failure reflect fears of real-life business struggles.
Dreaming of being commanded implies humility from scorned superiors, while giving commands suggests receiving honor or, if done arrogantly, facing disappointment.
Dreaming of receiving commands suggests influence by stronger wills, while encountering the Ten Commandments signifies impending errors difficult to evade, even with wise counsel.
Dreaming of hearing or singing comic songs suggests preferring enjoyment over seizing opportunities, but also hints at future pleasure followed by potential challenges.
Dreaming of a comet signifies facing unexpected challenges, but overcoming them can lead to fame. For the young, it suggests impending grief.
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