Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Comedy, Combing, Combat, Collision, Colliery, Back in College, Collar, Colonel
Dreaming of watching a comedy signifies indulgence in fleeting, trivial pleasures and enjoyable tasks.
Dreaming of combing hair foretells a friend or relative's illness or death, friendship decay, and potential property loss.
Dreaming of combat suggests risking reputation for others' affections, facing struggles, and for young women, choosing between devoted lovers.
Dreaming of a collision foretells serious accidents and business setbacks. For a young woman, it suggests romantic indecision leading to conflict.
Dreaming of a coal mine signifies potential danger or downfall, while owning a share suggests safe investments. A young woman dreaming of coal mining may marry into stability.
Dreaming of college indicates impending advancement or nostalgia for past academic achievements, suggesting recognition through distinguished efforts.
Dreaming of wearing a collar predicts unmerited honors, while women dreaming of collars may attract insincere admirers and prolonged singleness.
Dreaming of a colonel suggests failure to achieve status or maintain superiority over peers, depending on your own rank.
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