Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Coach, Coals, Coal-hod, Coat-of-Arms, Clarionet, Cauliflower, Clover, Clay
Dreaming of riding in a coach suggests ongoing business setbacks, while driving one indicates upcoming relocation or a shift in professional circumstances.
Bright coals in dreams signal enjoyment and positive transformations; directly handling them suggests great joy, while dead coals portend frustrations and failed expectations.
Dreaming of a coal-hod suggests impending sorrow due to wastefulness, and seeing others with hods indicates unpleasant, discordant environments.
Dreaming of a coat-of-arms symbolizes misfortune, indicating a lack of future nobility or prestige.
Dreaming of a clarinet suggests undignified frivolous behavior. A broken clarinet warns of a close friend's displeasure.
Dreaming of cauliflower indicates duty neglect if eaten, improved prospects if growing, and for young women, marriage for parental approval, not love.
Dreaming of clover signifies good fortune: walking through clover fields suggests success and fulfillment of desires; for farmers, abundant harvests; for the young, wealth. Withered clover indicates despair and disappointment.
Dreaming of clay symbolizes isolation, potential financial struggles, and yielding to adversaries. Digging in clay suggests misdirected efforts and ill-fated surprises. Women may experience negativity in love and business due to misunderstandings.
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