Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Checks, Checkers, Cholera, Chimney, China Store, China , Childbed, Cherries
Dreaming of false checks signifies deceit in your pursuits, while receiving checks predicts financial stability and inheritance. Paying out checks portends business losses and depression.
Dreaming of playing checkers suggests serious challenges and harmful strangers entering your life, while winning indicates success in a risky venture.
Dreaming of cholera hints at an outbreak causing widespread virulent sickness and subsequent disappointments. Being attacked by it in a dream predicts personal illness.
Chimneys in dreams symbolize displeasing events, news of illness, and potential family sorrows, yet ivy-covered ones suggest future joy. Fire signals good fortune, hiding in one indicates distress, and for a young woman, chimneys represent propriety and trouble avoidance.
An empty china store in a merchant's dream signals business declines and a subsequent period of gloom.
A woman dreaming of managing china indicates she will enjoy a happy home life and be prudent and resourceful.
Dreaming of childbirth indicates luck and a positive outcome. An unmarried woman's dream of childbed suggests a fall from grace and dishonor.
Dreaming of cherries suggests gaining favor through kindness and generosity. Eating cherries hints at obtaining a coveted item, while seeing green ones foretells imminent luck.
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