Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Bulldog , Bugle, Buckle, Brothers, Brush, Brothel, Broth, Broom
Dreaming of a bulldog attacking suggests potential legal danger from dishonest actions. A friendly bulldog indicates overcoming criticism and enemy interference to succeed in life.
The bugle's sound in dreams signifies upcoming joy and fortune, indicating positive unseen influences at work.
Dreaming of buckles predicts numerous invitations and potential disarray in personal affairs.
Dreaming of energetic brothers brings joy and good fortune; distressed brothers foretell death or significant loss.
Dreaming of brushes predicts misfortune, illness, or heavy tasks. However, brushing clothes indicates forthcoming rewards, and various brushes suggest satisfying, profitable work.
Dreaming of a brothel predicts shame from over indulgence.
Broth indicates true friendship; friends support you financially and emotionally. For lovers, it suggests enduring commitment. Making broth symbolizes control over destiny.
Dreaming of new brooms suggests financial betterment and thriftiness, but using brooms predicts speculative losses. A woman losing a broom may indicate poor domestic management.
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