Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Brood, Bronze, Bronchitis, Brimstone, Bridle Bits, Bridle, Brick, Briars
A woman dreaming of a hen with her chicks faces numerous, challenging responsibilities, especially with children; for others, it symbolizes growing wealth.
Dreaming of a bronze statue suggests a woman's unfruitful pursuit for a husband, love entanglements without marriage, disappointment, and feelings of insecurity regarding fortunes due to envy and ruin.
Dreaming of bronchitis suggests obstacles in the dreamer's path due to illness at home and signifies looming discouragement over unattainable goals.
Dreaming of brimstone implies dishonesty leading to lost friendships and suggests danger or loss from nearby contagion if unrectified mistakes persist.
Bridle bits in dreams symbolize conquering obstacles for progress and happiness. Broken bits hint at unexpected compromises with adversaries.
Dreaming of a bridle suggests undertaking a worrisome task that ultimately yields joy and profit. An old or broken bridle predicts struggles potentially leading to failure.
Dreaming of bricks signifies unresolved professional matters and romantic disputes. Making bricks implies probable failure in the pursuit of considerable fortune.
Dreaming of entanglement in briars symbolizes malicious slander from foes causing distress. Escaping briars predicts loyal friends aiding you during crises.
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