Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Brewing, Breath , Breakfast, Break, Eating Bread, Bray, Brass, Branch
Dreaming of being in a brewery suggests facing unfounded legal troubles, yet ultimately overcoming and excelling. Brewing indicates initial worry, leading to later gains and contentment.
Dreaming of sweet breath indicates praiseworthy behavior and successful business. Fetid breath suggests illness and troubles. Losing breath signifies unexpected failure in seemingly certain success.
Breakfast represents positive change for thinkers; fresh food denotes quick, auspicious transitions, whereas eating alone suggests vulnerability, and communal eating implies beneficial outcomes.
Dreaming of breakage foretells mismanagement, failures, domestic strife, mental unrest, loss, or tumultuous disorder spurred by intense emotional conflicts.
A woman dreaming of eating bread may face challenging children; shared bread suggests lifetime comfort, while impure or accessible good bread indicates upcoming hardship or positivity, respectively.
The sound of an ass braying in a dream signifies unwanted news or disruptions.
Dreaming of brass predicts professional success but with underlying fears of losing one's fortune.
Branches symbolize prosperity when laden with fruit and leaves, but dried branches suggest impending grief over distant loved ones.
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