Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Boarding House, Blushing, Blotting Paper, Blows, Blossoms, Blood Stone, Blind Mans Buff, Blindfold
Dreaming of a boarding house suggests upcoming complications in ventures and predicts a potential change of residence.
A young woman dreaming of blushing may face unjust accusations and embarrassment. Observing others blush suggests her teasing nature may alienate her friends.
Dreaming of using blotting paper implies deception leading to betrayal, while worn blotting paper suggests ongoing discord at home or with friends.
Dreaming of blows suggests self-harm; receiving one hints at potential mental strife, while self-defense predicts a business improvement.
Dreaming of blossoming trees and shrubs indicates an approaching period of joy and financial well-being.
Dreaming of a blood stone foretells misfortune in commitments. A young woman receiving it suggests losing a friend but gaining a more valuable companion.
Dreaming of playing blind man's buff signifies engaging in a futile and potentially embarrassing venture, possibly leading to financial loss.
Dreaming of being blindfolded suggests imminent distress and troubles, indicating future disappointments caused by the dreamer to others.
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