Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Bleating, Blasphemy, Bladder, Blacksmith, Blackboard, Bite, Bishop, Biscuits
Hearing young animals bleat in dreams suggests new responsibilities will soon arise, but they may not be adverse.
Dreaming of blasphemy implies a false friend will cause harm; cursing oneself signifies bad luck, while being cursed by others predicts relief and success.
A dream about the bladder suggests potential business troubles and health concerns affected by energy expenditure.
Dreaming of a blacksmith indicates that hard work will soon lead to beneficial outcomes.
Dreaming of writing on a blackboard with white chalk suggests news of illness or unstable financial conditions due to economic distress.
Dreaming of a bite signifies regret over irreversible actions and predicts potential losses due to adversaries.
Dreaming of a bishop symbolizes intellectual stress for educators and authors, poor purchasing decisions for tradespeople, and the promise of hard work with health concerns.
Dreaming about biscuits, whether eating or baking them, suggests health issues and domestic unrest caused by petty arguments.
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