Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Bake-house, Bailiff, Bail , Backgammon, Back-bite, Bachelor , Baby Carriage, Crying Baby
Dreaming of a bake-house signifies the need for caution when considering career changes and warns that pitfalls may appear, threatening reputation, especially for young women.
Dreaming of a bailiff indicates ambition, intellectual insecurity, and a warning that dishonest friends may exploit you for financial gain.
Dreaming of seeking bail foretells unexpected troubles, potential accidents, and the possibility of forming detrimental alliances.
Dreaming of playing backgammon signifies receiving cold hospitality but gaining lasting friendships, while losing the game suggests misfortune in love and ongoing life uncertainties.
Back-biting in dreams suggests a transition from positive to negative situations and denotes worries caused by those close to you, like servants or children.
Dreaming of being a bachelor hints at caution in male-female relationships. Women dreaming of bachelors symbolize impure love, disrupted justice, and politicians losing honor.
Dreaming of a baby carriage suggests the presence of a good friend who will bring joy and unexpected delights to your life.
Dreaming of a crying baby signifies health issues and letdowns. Healthy babies imply mutual love and friendship. Dreaming of walking alone suggests self-reliance and dismissal of negativity.
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