Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Axe , Awake, Author, Autumn, Aura, Aunt, Augur, August
Dreaming of an axe symbolizes that joy depends on effort. Witnesses using an axe signifies vivacious friends. Young women's visions suggest a modest lover. Damaged axes imply sickness and financial loss.
Dreaming of being awake predicts odd events leading to sadness, while dreams of vibrant landscapes imply future joy amidst current disappointments.
Dreams of manuscript rejection suggest initial doubts but eventual acceptance, while seeing an anxious author indicates worry over a literary endeavor.
A woman dreaming of Autumn suggests gaining property indirectly and a potential happy marriage if considering nuptials during this season.
Dreaming about an aura suggests mental turmoil and the quest to understand inner influence.
Dreaming of an aunt suggests possible reprimand for a young woman or, if the aunt is happy, joy after conflict.
Dreaming of augurs predicts hard work ahead.
Dreaming of August suggests failed ventures and romantic misunderstandings, while a young woman's dream of an August wedding portends early marital distress.
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