Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Buying at Auction, Attorney, Attic, Atonement, Atlas, Astral, Asylum, Assassin
Dreaming of an auction signifies positive business prospects, successful transactions for tradespeople, and prosperity for farmers and home-makers. Regret implies caution in business.
Dreaming of an attorney suggests impending disputes over material matters and deceitful enemies, yet if defended by one, friends will help despite causing worry.
Dreaming of an attic implies unrealistic hopes and a young woman's dream suggests dissatisfaction with her current situation.
Dreaming of atonement indicates joyful social interactions, stable finances for speculators, successful romance for the young, and possible humiliation due to neglect of duty.
Dreaming of an atlas suggests careful planning before making significant decisions or travel.
Dreaming of the astral realm suggests imminent worldly success, while seeing your astral self forewarns of severe emotional distress.
Dreaming of an asylum suggests illness and misfortunes that will require considerable mental effort to overcome.
Being targeted by an assassin in a dream suggests an inability to overcome trials. Witnessing an assassination foretells misfortune, and seeing an assassin warns of secret foes.
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