Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Asp, Ass, Asparagus , Asia, Asceticism, Ascend, Art Gallery, Aroma
Dreaming of an asp signifies misfortune, with potential loss of reputation for women, malicious adversaries attacking one's character, and betrayal in romantic relationships.
Dreaming of an ass implies encountering irritations and experiencing delays. Burdened donkeys suggest success through perseverance, while being chased or riding one forecasts scandals and disputes.
Dreaming of asparagus indicates a prosperous environment, disciplined household help, and children, but eating it may suggest temporary obstacles to success.
Dreaming of visiting Asia predicts change, but warns that such transformations won't bring financial gain, suggesting a journey of personal growth rather than material enrichment.
Dreaming of asceticism reflects unusual beliefs you may develop that intrigue outsiders but alienate friends, indicating a potential rift between personal growth and social connections.
Dreaming of ascending to a high point without stumbling signifies success and easy achievement, while facing difficulties suggests overcoming challenges to attain your day’s positive outcome.
Visiting an art gallery in a dream suggests impending unhappy relationships at home, feigned contentment, and a yearning for different companionships.
A young woman dreaming of a sweet aroma anticipates receiving pleasure or a gift soon.
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