Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Angling, Andirons, Anecdote, Ammunition , Anchor , Amorous, Ammonia , Amethyst
Dreaming of successful angling suggests positive outcomes, while failing to catch fish foreshadows negative consequences.
Dreaming of andirons suggests friendship if they hold logs, or loss and death if found in an empty fireplace.
Dreaming of sharing an anecdote suggests a preference for frivolity over intellect, forecasting instability in personal affairs.
Dreaming of ammunition indicates productive work ahead, while exhausted ammunition suggests efforts will be in vain.
Dreaming of an anchor suggests stability for sailors but signifies separation, relocation, and travel for others. For sweethearts, an anchor foretells upcoming disputes.
Dreaming of being amorous cautions against succumbing to desires that could lead to scandal. It suggests potential for impropriety in young women and marital discontent for married women.
Dreaming of ammonia signifies disappointment with a friend's behavior, leading to quarrels and broken friendships. Young women may discover a friend's deceit through such dreams.
Dreaming of amethyst symbolizes satisfaction in honest business dealings, while a young woman losing an amethyst signifies potential broken engagements and romantic disappointments.
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