Dream Dictionary, Interpretation of Dreams: Affront, Affrighted, Affliction, Afternoon, Afraid, Advocate, Advice , Advertisement
Dreaming of an affront predicts sorrow; for a young woman, it warns of someone exploiting her naivety, risking her reputation or friendship.
Dreaming of being affrighted predicts injury by accident. Seeing others so forebodes misery. These dreams often stem from physical distress and are warning signs to seek remedy. They signal mixed worry and pleasure, but mostly worry.
Dreaming of affliction indicates impending disaster for oneself or encountering numerous troubles through others' misfortunes.
Dreaming of an afternoon suggests enduring and enjoyable friendships for women, while a cloudy, rainy one signals disappointment.
Fear in dreams reflects domestic troubles, hindered endeavors, and potential distrust in friendships.
Dreaming of advocating a cause suggests loyalty to interests, honest public dealings, and fidelity to promises.
Dreaming of receiving advice signifies a quest for integrity and ethical success, while legal advice suggests doubt over the legitimacy of certain affairs.
Dreaming of distributing advertisements suggests reliance on physical efforts for success, while reading them predicts competitive setbacks.
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